15 things abstinence in the housing layout proofing you need to avoid

1. no prescribed aquariums facing the stove, because that will cause conflict Aquatic (fish tank) and Fire (stove).

2. no prescribed aquariums under the statue of Member, tam, so will harm your loc because breaking the sentence "main Spirit Launched".

3. Not be worshiped Buddha and Quan (Bladesman) together or opposite each other.

4. do not put the country first higher than the altar, altar. Should be placed below.

5. Not to head toward the large mirror, will influence the emotional health and the couple also affects both your shipping and the children.

Should not be listed more sharp edges shaped bench as triangular or hexagonal.

6. Not to close radio speakers because of the bed so you will usually not have delirium and deep sleep.

7. Not so much statistics tables and chairs have pointed edges shaped like triangular or hexagonal.

8. Do not Cook the kitchen straight quotes with the main door as if to people out to see fire in the kitchen, which is a very bad thing. Can be remedied by placing a screen plate separated.

9. Don't be too many doors layout on a straight line as this gas will not glide around the home that ease of wear and loss of wealth.

10. Not to be droopy plants in the House, this will cause relations between the members of the family become deteriorated.

Not to be droopy plants in the House.

11. A bed side too close to the wall: this is considered the most common mistakes in the decoration of bedrooms of very many people. The bed being listed too close to the wall or in a corner will blockade every prosperous energy source when you are drunk sleep.

We sleep every day is to relax, rest and rejuvenation, and making false statements will cause the bed's currency significantly. The location of the bed in the corner of the House will cause the employer difficulty getting out of bed when there are unexpected situations occur. In addition, a bed is not ventilated, both parties will be the major obstacle for the couple, easy to cause their dissensions.

12. To dark corridors and doors vivid: not A significant mistake came from the decoration of the House that is to dark corridors, no lights lit, plus the owner to wear the doors were beautiful or less fresh, vivid colors. The layout of doors full light, mild, vivid will help the House to attract the good energies, brings happiness, fun for the family members and visitors.

Add to that, absolutely not to lobby evokes feelings of deep dark fallen hun-. Make installation of lighting systems, decorative painting art or latest pelvis plants ... to bring fresh color corridors, lovely.

13. Place the television in the bedroom: would be a serious mistake if the family you are putting a television in the bedroom. It was viewed as the murderer of her husband-wife relationships in a silent way. Television sets, electronics or computer gaming is the objects makes the couple easy long-distance in your sleeping room. Remember, the bedroom is private space, romantic rest of each person, each couple, so, please try to they are not affected by other objects.

Would be a serious mistake if the family you are putting a television in the bedroom.

14. To the plumbing leaks: although very few people took it seriously and mindful, but to your home plumbing leaks that don't fix it now, means the financial capacity, personal energy, even as the health of their servers are having issues. If the home owner does not have the experience, the repair team to call as soon as possible. But it is a small problem but to long days will affect the quality of life of families and do dissipate the gas source of the House.

15. Decoration paintings do not match: If the house owner's who love the art of painting in relation to war, religious, exotic antiques, hang them in a private room. Because of its great influence to the psychology of the remaining members of the family and visitors. In the living room, bedroom, kids room ... you should hang the painting vivid, harmonious colours, cheery, lovely to wear to feel warm, welcome, fun for everyone.=



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