17 tips or with turmeric not everyone know

1. To prevent the risk of bowel cancer

Using technology in the regular meal, you can reduce the risk of bowel cancer.

2. arthritis cure

Turmeric has the effect of relieving pain when you suffer from arthritis harassed.

Turmeric has analgesic effects when you suffer from arthritis harassed. How to make a simple, heat a cup of milk before boiling, North down to a teaspoon of turmeric powder and stir well. Drink three times a day, you will see the effect of surprise.

3. When in trouble with digestion

The study shows that technology can stimulate digestion and clearing out the digestive emzim, breaking link cacbonhydrat and the fat.

Thus, in the case of colic, a cup of tea technology will help you a lot.

4. Prevent prostate cancer

Eat more green vegetables combined with technology that can prevent the risk of prostate cancer.

5. To prevent heart disease

You can reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood and is likely against the evidence of atherosclerosis with turmeric.

6. reduce cancer risk with smokers

By "loaded" into the body 1, 5 g turmeric every day in just over a month, you will see results. Your body will reduce significantly the mutant cells cause cancer.

7. The masks help skin health

A healthy skin is the dream of all women. The technology is very useful.

How to make a mask from the very simple technology. Just mix all the flour together turmeric powder in a small bowl, then add a few drops of milk and honey to the mixture so that they form a dough mixture. Wash the face with cleanser and water for the long leg holes on the face was clear and no longer sticky, dirt or what kind of make-up.

Use the mixture evenly onto the DAB mode, move to the United Kingdom in the eyes. Relax for about 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water. This has the effect of mask type clean face skin, helping skin healthy, ventilation, reducing the risk of acne.

8. treat wrinkles

Step into middle age, the birds feet and wrinkles appear on the skin, you worry and often thought of what kind of extremely expensive cosmetics in hopes of quick results. However, do not necessarily have to spend a large sum of money to invest in these types of products that simply by following formula you can also improve the situation.

Mix the two spoons of turmeric powder with three spoons of milk cream, then DAB on the skin that wrinkles, especially the eye skin area. This face mask recipe not only fix the wrinkles but also can do reduce dark circles eye quickly.

In addition, to limit the body's aging process, in the daily menu you should also complement the dish made with technology.

9. Treatment of acne

Pimples are always anxious for your skin.

Pimples are always anxious for your skin. Want the acne spots quickly being "subjugated" use a spoon of turmeric powder mixed with a spoon cucumber juice and a few drops of coconut oil, then apply to the skin of acne for about 20 minutes or so through the night and then wash the face. Doing this also helps the skin fast regeneration of new cells, minimizing the risk of acne scars appear on the skin.

10. Body

Technology is also used in the body. Just mix turmeric powder with coconut oil mixed into the dough, then up onto the skin before bath is about 15 minutes. The nutrients contained in turmeric and coconut oil will infuse deep in the skin to replenish the moisture and nutrients.

11. Maintain a standard physique

A study by the agricultural research center (ARS) or turmeric likely to help you lose fat efficiently, it is thanks to the substance curcumin in turmeric can help reduce the rising process fatty tissue in the human body.

12. treat Melasma for postpartum women

After birth, the body and the skin of the mother is weak than usual. This is the period of the resistance of the body very poorly and prone to the impact by the external factors. Therefore, when the more exposure to the Sun, the mother's skin will react to UV rays in sunlight by enhancing produces the black melanin factor do diaphragms protect. Brown spots stains will lose the aesthetics of skin and you look older than her actual age.

From ancient time to the present, the mother after birth usually eaten fresh technology, can be roasted with meat, technology can be squeezed Volkswagen technology drank ... mother, use alcohol soaked turmeric and Ginger illuminate skin. Technology both anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, blood tonic, making smooth, pinky cheeks.

13. Help weight loss

Fresh turmeric helps lose weight very well.

Fresh turmeric helps lose weight very well so if you need to lose weight, then don't forget to add fresh technology into its menu.

14. Cure for stomach pain

According to the study, in the black art contains the substance curcumin and Itomilat content. This substance increases the contraction of the gallbladder, reduce the secretion of stomach acid reduces pain symptoms fever, discomfort due to stomach illness brings.

15. Reduce Stress

Fresh water combine with yogurt can help you fight stress, reduce stress to your health, work and enjoy life.

16. skin whitening

Fresh technology is regarded as a kind of natural cosmetic extremely effective is used so much for the beauty of women, by combining technology with honey, yoghurt, fresh milk. Form the mixture helps treat acne, scars, wrinkle treatment sailings. Helping make white pink, smooth stretch.

17. blood Tonic

Fresh blood tonic and the very tech bệt good for postpartum women, this is again a very popular easy to grow bulbs type easy to buy so you don't miss the fresh art on the menu as well as in the beauty shop with fresh turmeric. is regarded as a kind of natural cosmetic extremely effective is used so much for the beautiful work of women , by combining technology with honey, yoghurt, fresh milk. Form the mixture helps treat acne, scars, wrinkle treatment sailings. Helping make white pink, smooth stretch.=



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