Adding this one to cooking rice ensures 10 times better taste, nutritional value also multiplies

Add oats to rice

Oats are a side food, but they are rich in protein and cellulose. Therefore, adding a little oat to rice not only makes rice more delicious but also brings many health benefits.

Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes have many wonderful effects on health, especially it helps lower blood pressure very effectively, good for blood. Soft and delicious sweet potatoes are also good for the digestive system. So, try giving a little sweet potato to the rice, you will see the surprise.

Currently there are many types of sweet potatoes on the market, sweet, plastic, fragrant, so when it comes to rice, the taste of rice is also much more attractive.

Chinese apple

Jujube has a very good blood and blood pressure lowering effect. For people with anemia, it is necessary to add jujube to meals. Beside alcohol-soaked jujube, women can put it in and cook it with rice. For women, jujube has many uses in beauty. With this way of cooking, the rice tastes fragrant, sweet and light, extremely loved by children.

Carrots, corn

If you feel that white rice is too boring and not delicious, you can cook rice with vegetables as you like. If the house has children, adding more colorful vegetables such as carrots and corn will make children feel more excited.

Use tea to cook rice

This method not only makes fragrant rice, rice has eye-catching colors, but also very beneficial for the digestive system. The method is also very simple: Prepare 0.5 - 0.7g of tea leaves, soak in 1kg of boiling water for 5-8 minutes, use the cloth to filter all the residue, pour the tea water that has been filtered into the rice. Clean and cook as usual, wait until the rice is cooked.

Add salt to rice

When cooking rice, adding a little salt can keep the rice longer. Even when the weather is hot, salt can still preserve rice without putting it in the refrigerator. In addition, when steaming the steamed rice, adding a little salt water can remove a strange taste in cold rice.



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