Carcinogens are quietly hiding in these familiar objects

Here are 10 household items that contain carcinogens but few people expect:


Shampoos and conditioners are indispensable products in every family. Traditional shampoo contains chemicals including: sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), perfume or aromatherapy, paraben (preservative) and synthetic color . Parabens are known to be a carcinogen, because they have directly related to different types of cancer, one study found that 99% of breast cancer tissues contain paraben.

Non-stick cookware

The non-stick pan and pan is made of a synthetic coating of polytetrafluoroethylene, also known as Teflon. However, many scientists concerned about Teflon can release toxic gases when used at high temperatures, causing cancer risks and many dangerous diseases.

Artificial sweetener

There are many types of artificial sweeteners, the most popular of which are aspartame. Aspartame is often considered only in sugar-free soda, but it is also often added to tea, energy drinks, dairy products, fruit juices and other artificially flavored drinks. A study conducted in 2007 found that aspartame can cause leukemia, lymphoma and breast cancer.

Plastic box

Plastic containing chemicals such as bisphenol A (BPA), polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and phthalates can be absorbed into food. Plastic with BPA is related to cancer, brain and cardiovascular health. When you put plastic food containers in the microwave, high temperatures increase the spread of chemicals and are easy to stick to foods that are acid, fatty or salty foods.

Plastic cutting board

When you use a plastic cutting board to cut, cut food, cracks and cut lines will appear on the cutting board. This will be an ideal environment for dangerous bacteria such as E.coli and salmonella, endangering intestinal health.


Most families store some of the tool surface cleaners. Some common chemicals found in household cleaning products that are hazardous to health include: 2-BE (causing reproductive problems), ammonia (related to kidney damage), staining coal (causes cancer and nervous system damage).

Water and aromatic wax room

The room fragrances are very popularly used to help eliminate unpleasant odors in the toilet, in the refrigerator or in the closet . However, this is also a toxic chemical because it contains many toxins, after When used, these toxins will accumulate gradually in the body. Many scientific studies show that these substances can adversely affect hormones, harm reproductive health, especially for children.

Toilet toilet solution

To clean stains on toilets and sewers, sanitizing solutions often contain extremely acidic corrosive substances. Because of this nature, they can cause skin and eye burns if shot in the body. In addition, these substances are also very dangerous when mixed with some other cleaning detergents.


Mothballs are now produced from Napthalen, while napthalen is a substance that can destroy red blood cells and has been shown to cause cancer in animals, although no human test results yet exist. still be wary of potential health hazards.

Curtains and carpets

This is considered to be indirectly affecting human health. Specifically, cadmium is a carcinogenic component in cigarette smoke. If someone smokes in the house, cadmium and other smoke components can stay on soft surfaces like curtains and carpets. They can still survive even though the smell of cigarette smoke has completely disappeared, the potential risk of cancer.

Styrofoam box

We all know that foam products are not good for the environment and human health. Styrofoam box, styrofoam cup containing styrene - a toxic chemical that contributes to cancer development, vision loss, hearing loss and nervous system damage.

Mosquito incense

Scientists point out that the smoke from a mosquito coil is equivalent to the smoke of about 75-137 cigarettes. This number can cause any living organism, including humans, to develop different types of lung diseases.



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