Drop a handful of salt into the basin of clothes, you will receive loads of unexpected benefits

Wash clothes with salt

This is a simple trick to help discolor long-wearing clothes, especially jeans.

After buying jeans, immediately soak in salt water so that the pants will not fade even though used all year.

The method is very simple. Prepare a bowl of salt. Then, add the salt to the sink and dissolve with a little water, then drop the jeans to soak for a few hours. Salt contributes to stabilizing the color of the fabric, so the pants will fade longer.

After a few hours, you just need to bring your pants to rinse with clean water and dry it.

Salt helps clean stains in the saucepan

If you accidentally burn food, making it difficult to clean pots, you just need a little salt, all problems will be solved.

Put the salt in water and soak with water and wait 10 minutes after the burn burns out. At this time, you just need to scrub back and forth a bit and then clean.

Clean rusty iron

You take a blank sheet of paper, sprinkle salt on it. Turn on the iron to the hottest level and then go back and forth on the salt for about 1 minute, the iron surface will be as shiny as new.

Keep flowers fresh for a long time

Adding a few fine grains of salt to a bonsai or vase will keep your plant healthy and keep the flower longer.

Cooling drinks super fast

To cool things quickly without a refrigerator, you can use a basin of water, put ice and salt inside and then put the bottles of drinks in it. After a few minutes, you can enjoy a cool bottle of water. Note that salt and ice must be high and water must be small.



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