Effect of candles in Feng Shui in the home

1. passion lit

You make 2 candle red side in the right corner of the House or in the bedroom, lit 2 times a day. If you like scented candles you can choose scents such as jasmine or rose.

If you like scented candles you can choose scents such as jasmine or rose.

2. Attract the attention

If you been underestimated or neglected, place a red candle in the 9 main sections between the houses. You should light up once a day, preferably in the daytime.

3. The heating room

The room is chilly and bleak is due to too much negative energy. You can complement the warmth by lighted three candles-side near the entrance. If you like scented candles can choose the smell of lavender, peppermint or orange flavour.

4. Refrain from excessive enthusiasm

If there is a tendency to do things too enthusiastically, you're being redundant features rustic energy in the House. The best way to get back to balance is lit red candles for nine in the left side of the House. You should light a candle every morning.

5. Improve the health

If suffering from arthritis, bad eyes, dry skin then you use candles to improve health. Latest 5 candles on the dining table once per day, it's best to use short, square candles.

6. Find the joy

When life can only job makes you feel stuffy in the meantime, please use candles as a therapeutic measure. 7 white candles lit in the middle part of the round to the right of the House once a day, preferably in the evening. If you like scented candles please select distinct scent or smell Orange smell like lemon.

7. Expresses the romance

Candles are symbolic to the romance in the West and inner peace in the East.

The candle is used quite early in the history with the aim to bring light and heat to the living space. After the candles are symbolic to the romance in the West and inner peace in the East.

The taboos related to candles in the bedroom

Feng Shui expert Iceberg also recommends couples should not burn candles in the bedroom, as white candles.

The candles are only used in certain moments like birthdays, lost electricity or just to create a sense of mystery, romance in a short time, and not so frequent, especially candlelight scented candles. So, the couple has to want to change the atmosphere, to want to have little bit of romance, you should only moments by some lit candles for radiating the smoke there "laced" similar toxins are toxins in cigarette smoke.

When burning candles in the room, especially in the bathroom or in the room closed, no air is exchanged with the outside meant the chemicals emitted can cause air pollution, increased risk for asthma, eczema and other skin diseases. In particular, long enclosed room in candle burning causes shortness of breath, respiratory to Huong photo, Ice experts said.

Burning candles in enclosed rooms long cause shortness of breath, respiratory to Huong photo.

Ice experts Paint also adds, when people slept, not the status of the other clinical death, but only when someone dies, then the new earthly lit candles for them. Moreover, the import into nhoạng candlelight mirrors in the room in darkness again as easy to create a feeling of vaporous, hallucinogenic, weak people, table tennis easy to imagine those things hurt.

When talking about non-lighted candles in the bedroom, many also wonder, if not there you can turn on the lights to sleep or not. However according to experts Paint Tape, the two things are not completely the same. "Night lamps should have in the room, positioned right in the head, but just when would wake at night, the new owner should be turned in, but not turned on throughout the night".=



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