How to boil chicken to shiny shiny Golden full moon of July

How to choose and make chicken July full moon celebration

To have a nice, sweet chicken, people go to the market to choose the chicken thoroughly. Live chickens to fresh Red-crested, silky fur evenly high papillae, agility, small feet, healthy and weighed around 1.5 to 1, FCR.

To have a nice, sweet chicken, people go to the market to choose the chicken thoroughly. Live chickens to fresh Red-crested, silky fur evenly high papillae, small feet, agile, strong and healthy.

How to make chicken worship

To make chicken worship should prepare a knife to cut the chicken, small disk to contain more details, a pot of boiling water to the Classifieds, salt and a pot of clean water to wash the chicken.

To make chicken worship should prepare a knife to cut the chicken, small disk to contain more details, a pot of boiling water to the Classifieds, salt and a pot of clean water to wash the chicken.

Got 2 legs of chicken on a slight bend of the wing, and upside-down chicken slope prepared disk and hold just enough to avoid holding too tightly will do the purple portion of chicken wings.

Classifieds below the neck and sticking under the principle of "cutting the ear Drum, exorbitant roof" to be more verbose and not do the purple chick by when yet more boiled chicken will be black. Inspired more flowing down for about 5 minutes, for head on the wings to a dead chicken at must bring fur item for.

For chicken in a pot of water to boil, chicken trụng over a few tiHow to boil chicken to shiny shiny Golden full moon of Julys and then lift the chicken out, swept the kitchen and quickly. Membrane peeling in the feet, crested, cock and tongue beak.

After the chores are done, the fur rubbing salt all over the torso to clean fluffy and eliminate odors.

There are 2 ways to slaughter the chickens is pecking moi and brake, to chicken slaughter of slaughter often boiled chicken, because after moi will more beautiful.

A small slit in the first kite to about 2-3 cm, pulled the entire kite and throat out.

Next up, a slit of about 4 cm in near the anus of the chicken (chicken anal about 2-3 cm), then stick your hand inside and gently pull out the chicken's organ, avoiding to offend and break your own put out.

After finishing rinse through the water and chicken legs for the chicken stomach crippleware through incisions moi.

The final step, pierced cock then nose ring through the LAT LAT through 2 chicken wings and fasten thread after boiling chicken stock turn 2 verticillastrate wing implies pieced together the hands into the glass gods, the first ascent.

Before boiled chicken, sweet

Shallot peeled, water, peel out the saHow to boil chicken to shiny shiny Golden full moon of July and then drop into a pot of water to boil the chicken with 1 teaspoon salt. For every liter of water in 20 g. You can also add onion branch, so would the fragrant making chicken broth.

Boil chicken delicious, cosy experience, nice shape

When the boiled chicken boiled in the pot to deep worship, for invasive face flooding and then set up the chicken approximately the kitchen. For the chicken to the pot as soon as the water is still cold, so the chicken would slowly from the outside into the ninth. If to boiling water for on, chicken cooked, the skin will crack all hard. If the chicken to prevent stones, need to defrost completely then if not boiled, you must boil for so long and did not know when the new How to boil chicken to shiny shiny Golden full moon of Julyat must be cooked.

When the water has boiled, should reduce the fire, as if to boil How to boil chicken to shiny shiny Golden full moon of Julyat in thighs, worshippers'll co fall over, very bad. After boiling water for about 5 minutes, you turn gas off, so in 5 minutes again off and lid as long as 20 minutes. You can use chopsticks to poke the chicken, if magic wand penetrate easily, ứa water out there is no red is already ripe.

After the chicken, boiled chicken to prepare salvaged worship

Boiled chicken and strain Arboretum in adoration of gold.

Boiled chicken to succulent, fresh color look, once picked out, so embedded right into the pot of boiling water to cool, cool water as possible. To cold chicken must be taken out at the new disk. If not, chicken skin will be dry and dull. Then, to the How to boil chicken to shiny shiny Golden full moon of Julyat drain a little, used to use turHow to boil chicken to shiny shiny Golden full moon of Julyric, pounding squeezed water mixed with fat from the chicken won the lightly onto the skin, the bumps will be yellow ball and smooth stretch, looks very attractive.

When pitching to disk for more rose into beautiful chicken for mine.

This is the experience of boiled chicken delicious, cosy, nice eyes. According to the folk experience, boiled chicken is done to cool and then presented to the disc, set the stars for the chicken head facing up, shut up more pink flower expresses the wish!!!, happy to receive. The chickens are cooked, beautifully yellow, leather balls will help tap more attractive, cosy deck.=



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