How to buy delicious bananas

Avoid ripe bananas

When buying bananas you should buy green bananas and let them ripen. When buying should choose dark green bananas, the fruit is evenly curled, if there is a speckle that turns to light yellow, the better. Outside the banana peel, the greener the banana is, the more difficult it is to buy it when you buy it.

Look at the colors of the bananas

The golden bananas are sprouted from the stalks to the beautiful banana stalks, often bananas that have been "magically" made with magic to be able to ripen beautifully. You should choose the natural ripe bananas that are uneven in color but safe for your family's health.

Do not choose yellow bananas from the end to the body because the chemical has been soaked

It should be noted that the bananas have black dots (folk called pickaxe eggs), wrinkled banana peels, yellow skin with pink dots, on the shell there are sometimes speckled black lines, these bananas eat sweet and safe.

Choose the bananas of regular fruits

Choose ripe bananas, which will ripen evenly on stalks and banana stalks. When you see beautiful yellow bananas and stalks, the top of the green tip is sure that the seller has taken the medicine to make the fruit ripen to look beautiful. These bananas eat lightly and contain many risks to your health.

Those who should not eat bananas

People with stomach pain : Patients who have a history of gastrointestinal disease, the stomach should not eat bananas because bananas will make your illness worse. Feeling after eating bananas will see goosebumps and heartburn, belching.

Choose bananas and fruits with black spots

People with diabetes, cardiovascular : For patients with diabetes, bananas are enemies because bananas have a high natural sugar content. If you eat it, it will make the illness worse. Bananas are also not recommended for patients with cardiovascular disease by having high potassium potassium to the heart when contracting.

People with kidney failure : In high potassium bananas, it is not good for people with kidney disease, because bananas will make patients more active in the body, the treatment process becomes more difficult.



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