How to choose a steel trap and boys tip handle toxins the parents should know

Son of a steel trap is the food nutritious

Fatty acids in mussels steel trap helps reduce lượngtriglycerides (fats in the blood), hindered the development of the atherosclerotic plaque, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke.

These dishes from the son's good for steel trap blood and cardiovascular system, support the immune system, enhance the ability of male Physiology, minimize the risk of infection, inflammation, prevent cancer, good for the nervous system, bones and the activities of the cell.

In the steel trap very iron-rich boyfriend, selenium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B12, fatty acid ...

Iron is very important to create new red blood cells; Vitamin B12 helps the nervous system to function well, DNA synthesis, prevent cardiovascular disease.

The consumer usually does not know rắng in the son, steel trap may be contaminated with heavy metals from water substances such as mercury, lead and catmi.

Son, steel trap contains toxins that few consumers know

Consumers often do not know rắng in the son, steel trap may be contaminated with heavy metals from water substances such as mercury, lead and catmi (most are products of the industry).

According to scientists, in the son that contains virus Adonovirus can cause diseases in the digestive system and the respiratory system such as diarrhea, rashes and inflammation of the lungs. The virus increases the risk of inflammation in human infections. Ingested mussels contaminated steel trap, people will also suffer from metal poisoning caused the lesions of the nervous system and even cause defects in the fetus.

Although the son, steel trap can be processed into many nutritious dishes because the fatty acids in krill helps reduce lượngtriglycerides (fats in the blood), hindered the development of the atherosclerotic plaque, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke.

Besides, the dishes from the son's good for steel trap blood and cardiovascular system, support the immune system, enhance the ability of male Physiology, minimize the risk of infection, inflammation, prevent cancer, good for the nervous system, bones and the activities of the cell.

In addition, the steel trap very iron-rich boys, selenium, magnesium, calcium, vitamin B12, fatty acid ... Iron is very important to create new red blood cells; Vitamin B12 helps the nervous system to function well, DNA synthesis, prevent cardiovascular disease.

Choosing to purchase safety boy

You should not choose the shellfish were also strained, broken, crushed, stamping, because these are so susceptible to the bacterium aquatic products are not good for health.

In addition, should not buy son has frozen or packed in plastic bags because they usually can no longer be fresh appetite, or have been handled through chemicals.

When buying mussels, you should soak into the steel trap boys wash the rice in cold water or put some chopped peppers, or a few drops of vinegar rice in few hours for them to disengage off the dirt before processing (it is best to soak from the previous evening).

With boys, you need to remove the "Pocket feces" son-place may not waste dregs of son-will reduce the risk to be hit by toxic for people to eat.

Don't purchase the son was dead. The best way to check is on the finger we Shell stations, if the boys alive, make sure the casing is closed. Besides, should also pay attention to the smell of clams. Fresh mussels then usually does not smell too elevated to anonymously, or too fishy, if is the son of the sea often have more sea water smell.=



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