Just a handful of salt, housewives doing idle housework everyone should know

Clean pots and pans

When you want to clean a cast iron saucepan, simply heat the saucepan and pot over the stove, then add a few drops of cooking oil along with a few teaspoons of salt. Next, you proceed to roast salt right on the pot for about 10-15 minutes. Finally, turn off the stove, bring the saucepan, pan and wash with warm water. At that time, your pots and pans of iron will become shiny.

Clean the oven

When you want to clean the oven, you need to have salt and cinnamon ready to clean the oven regularly. After each use, you should sprinkle the mixture of salt and cinnamon inside the oven, stains or grease will be cleaned more easily.

Salt helps clean the oven

Clean greasy pan

When you want to clean the pan with grease stains that will not remain in the pan after each frying, you only need to sprinkle a little sea salt on top because the salt dissolves well with the oil, then rinse with water. Soap, grease stains will be completely removed.

Clean coffee stains

When you want to clean the glasses often used to drink coffee, especially white porcelain cups, it is easy to stick to the coffee stain after use.

Salt cleanses grease on the saucepan

The best way to get rid of coffee stains on the surface of the glass is to put a mixture of table salt and vinegar into the cup, leave it in there for 20 - 30 minutes and then wash it off with soap. clean, shiny glass.



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