Solve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in

Feng Shui houses hold an important role in your career, your maximum of family Solve error 6 Feng Shui for homes inmbers, on the one hand help improve life but at the saSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in tiSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in also have the opposite effect if improperly disposed. The following is the error 6 Feng Shui have to reconcile according to Feng Shui experts.

1. The House is lower than the road surface

When the road surface is higher than the House Solve error 6 Feng Shui for homes inans that if from the view will smash into a wall. According to the Feng Shui as such, in common life obstacles impeding and did not "have the people against their backs". Even according to the conception of the Chinese life is lower than the ground only for the dead. A House is considered to be in good position when the open space in front, can be a green lawn to allow the chi energy into the soothing and easy.

For this case can solve the following: Try lifting the House's energy by keeping the front door is always bright. And consider the move if possible.

2. Housing crumpled three poison arrow breaking

Often the road crashing straight into the poison arrows that make up the hoSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in front. With this case if the door before turning off to the East, it can be harmful to a son or family relationships. If the House toward the West, everyone in the family will or crashes or affect the woSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes inn in the family.

When viewing the House should avoid purchasing hoSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes ins in fork. If have missed buying only hanging mirrors of convex Monster Bowl door.

How to solve: When viewing the House should avoid purchasing hoSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes ins in fork. If have missed buying only hanging mirrors of convex Monster Bowl door.

3. Chef in the Northwest

In the view of the ancients, the man is the pillar of the family. The location represents the family pillar is located in the Northwest corner. When this angle is affected by the fire can cause great impact to the man in the family. They may be accident, illness, loss of job or bankruptcy.

How to solve: With the latest kitchen in this direction should avoid using gas because it is real flaSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in, can limit the effects by using electric stoves.

4. The slope behind the House

Many people that need to have their support behind steadily advancing forward. But if the House is steep, then you are losing gradually the human quarter match for themselves. Good energy in the House will not form that quickly slipped out behind making hard financial accumulated. Jobs, relationships and health will decline.

How to solve: Can prevent the energy running out of the House by erecting fences, planting a tree, more lights in the back of the House.

5. HoSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in ground late declaring

While the House has land reserves help climate much money bloom then declaring land late like a large funnel. HoSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in terms late in the long term are usually not good, is not sustainable. Aesthetically, it makes it difficult for decor.

How to solve: to handle can build walls or fences, as with the case of the slope behind the House.

6. Bed facing the bathroom

The bedroom in this location usually causes the diseases of the joints, muscles and bones also makes money being losses. You will have to absorb negative energy sources are more in the bathroom or toilet.

How to solve: The bedroom should be completely walled up and closed the door from the bathroom. At the saSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in tiSolve error 6 Feng Shui for homes in move the bed out to other locations.=



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