Sour bamboo shoots with crisp crispy crumbs thanks to toilet bowl bleach: 4 seconds of sighting signs are immediately known

1. Color outside

Clean sour bamboo shoots are naturally white, may be slightly yellowish. The pieces of colored bamboo shoots are not even, the white spot is yellow, even the dark spots are caused by salt soaking.

The sour bamboo shoots, which were soaked in white, white, bleached chemicals, looked pretty eye-catching, but it was not natural to look carefully.

2. Crunchiness

Natural sour bamboo shoots are often tough, not crunchy, not easily broken. When you feel a soft, soft piece of bamboo shoots.

The pickled bamboo shoots are often brittle, easily broken. When rubbing bamboo shoots often dry, lumpy.

3. Glossiness

Natural bamboo shoots are not too shiny and not eye-catching. Bamboo shoots are often small and irregular. In that gas, bleached bamboo shoots are shiny, never moldy.

4. Bamboo scent

When buying bamboo shoots, women remember to pick up a piece of bamboo shoots to smell, if they find that the bamboo shoots are naturally sour, they are clean. Chemical pickling usually has a characteristic pungent odor, smelling close, and sniffing will recognize the smell of bleach as at home.

The secret of choosing fresh, young and fresh bamboo shoots

- Choose fresh bamboo shoots, tubers with rough shape, big and small evenly, not curved, brittle but young, no yellow leaves appear, no spots, thin shells and no wilting.

- Looking with naked eyes, bamboo shoots are thin, crunchy, watery; Fresh taste has a characteristic aroma, should not choose bamboo shoots too white, yellow-brown bamboo shoots, touching without sticking hands, there are veins.


Where bamboo shoots are white, unusually dark yellow and foul-smelling, they should not be used.

For people with malaria, malnutrition, physical weakness, do not use bamboo shoots as food because it can negatively affect the disease.



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