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How to kill cockroaches with beer


- 1 plastic / glass bottle (empty jar, high neck)

- 1 cup of beer


- You pour some beer into the prepared bottle, shake it gently to smell it to attract cockroaches, remember to open the bottle and wait for a while. The director was fascinated by the smell of beer that would get himself into the bottle and could not escape.

- When the amount of cockroach in the bottle is large, just cover it and put it in the trash, or you can kill it before throwing it away.

Note: To eliminate many cockroaches, you should prepare a lot of beer bottles, leaving them at many corners in the house. Make sure after only one night, many cockroaches will come in terrible, sometimes even a few hundred children (if your house has many cockroaches).

If beer is not available, you can use some of the following ways to kill cockroaches:

- Soap

You can kill cockroaches with soap in 2 ways:

+ Put a little soap in a small bowl or plate in the cabinet, kitchen shelf, the cockroaches will stay away when the smell of soap is smelled.

+ Mix lots of soap into water and spray directly into cockroaches. Most cockroaches will die because soap makes them suffocate.

- Perilla

To get rid of cockroaches, prepare a mixture of sugar and perilla. Grind the sugar and perilla into a 1: 1 ratio and place it in the cockroach or in the place. After 3 to 14 days, the cockroaches will disappear completely.

- Orange peel, lemon peel

Please accumulate orange peel, lemon used and take it to dry, put in the kitchen cabinet. The scent of oranges and lemons not only brings aroma but also frightens the cockroaches, runs away.

- Alum alum

You can use hot water to dissolve alum, pick up the alum dipped cloth to wipe the house. When the floor is dry, crystalline alum white water will penetrate into the cracks of the floor, causing cockroaches and ants to scare away.

- Solution of mint + salt

Women can create solutions to chase cockroaches with natural materials such as peppermint and salt. Specifically, you can add peppermint oil to salt water or white vinegar water to form an anti-cockroach solution. Just spray this solution at the place where the cockroach is frequented, cockroaches don't like the smell of peppermint so they will immediately leave the "locality".

- Use baking soda powder

One of the most effective and economical ways to get cockroaches is to use baking soda or baking soda powder. Mix flour banking soda with little cake flour, or sugar to lure cockroaches, then cockroaches will swollen belly because of the reaction of baking soda but die.

Note: You absolutely should not use slippers or other objects in the house to beat cockroaches, because then all kinds of bacteria, pathogenic cells, parasites on the body of cockroaches, along with the dirt from fecal or intestinal cockroaches will spread directly into the air, if unfortunately inhaling or swallowing, there will be dangerous diseases such as dysentery, typhoid, asthma, .



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