The butcher who hid the meat very few knew about it: Buying meat only had to choose this place to be delicious

The butcher secret is always hidden

The butcher at the market has a way of dividing the meat that they did not tell you. That is the bacon is also divided into two categories: three only the upper part and the lower three only.

The three upper parts are the pork belly but located closer to the sides, adjacent to the ribs. After the ribs are filtered out, we have the top three. This meat is usually high in fat, lean, so eat it quickly.

Therefore, this meat is quite choosy when cooking, should not be used as popular dishes such as grilled, boiled or roasted. Gourmet people usually only choose this part of meat to cook the dishonor - it requires a lot of fat to get a soft, smooth, fat-soluble product in the mouth. In addition, the three threads are also finely chopped, mixed with other lean minced meat to balance the fat in the mixture. This mixture of minced meat is often used to make cake filling. Besides, you can buy this piece of meat to fry pork rind.

The method of dividing bacon is not known to everyone, but once you have mastered the above rule, remember to choose the lower three, to get the best meat - the most important ingredient for making dishes. interesting.

Choose quality bacon

Harmonized lean fat: The balanced combination of lean and fat is the leading factor determining the deliciousness of a piece of bacon.

When the balance of these two ingredients is reached, the meat is neither too tired nor too dry, which feels both pleasant and delicious.

Good elasticity: The outstanding feature of quality bacon is the excellent elasticity of the meat fibers, along with the smooth pig skin surface, not too dry, not too greasy.

Bright red: Bacon is classified as "standard product" when it comes in bright red. Therefore, housewives absolutely should not choose to buy pieces of meat that do not have this color.

Moderate bright color: The color specifies the freshness of the bacon. Accordingly, if the meat is too dark color means it is not fresh, the color is too bright is a processed product.



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