The florist will not tell you: Looking at this point is to choose the right bouquet of lotus flowers, not to be confused


Normally, the body of the lotus flower will be more straight, with little spines and small flower stalks, when it is scratched without pain like kneeling. Ao Dai when wading down to dress without scratching the skin.


To distinguish the lotus and the kneeling, let the two lotus flowers and flowers kneel beside each other, you will immediately see the difference. Sen usually has fresh pink color, big round, chubby buds stroking in the direction from bottom to top.

Blue blossoms are also pink but the colors are much darker, in addition to white flowers. The petals on the outside are slightly deep, the shape of the boat, sharp and especially the petals of the petals. Kneeling flowers are also rounded from the bottom to the top, but the length of the flower is much higher than the lotus. To choose the ideal lotus bouquet, you can hold the bouquet toward the ground and gently shake. If it is a litmus flower, the petal will be very easy to fall off and vice versa if it is a lotus, the petal will stick firmly to the flower stalk.


For those who have a strong passion for lotus flowers, it will not be difficult to realize that the lotus has a plump shape, rounded in the direction from the bottom to the top, and the kneeling flowers are also rounded from the bottom to the top but there are degrees longer at the top.

The nuance inside

In particular, the inner part of the kneel and lotus will be significantly different so you just need to be observant to know it right away. Lotus petals are bright pink, the inside of the flower has many layers of smaller petals surrounding the station. When you are a bud, if you squeeze lightly on the flower will feel the thickness of the lotus petals inside, it is worth mentioning that when the wilt is plugged into the water can still be fresh again. The color is lighter, there is no small petal layer around the station and it only blooms once and it is gone, which is the reason why you are very uncomfortable buying the wrong flower.


The lotus has a cool scent, just standing outside the lagoon, passersby also feel the aroma occasionally, especially in the early morning or late afternoon. And the flower of the kneeling is picked from a young age, the branch of the flower petals will deepen, then fall off gradually until only the pistil is inert. Both of these flowers are fragrant, but the flowers are slightly aromatic and stronger when you bring them to the nose.



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