The meaning behind the code on the fruit

The fruit has a five-digit sticker and starts with 8, which means it is a GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) product. With a simple example of a regular apple, the code is 4130, but if it is 84130, it means that apple is a genetically modified apple. Currently GMOs are controversial and face widespread opposition, especially to the European Union and several other Asian countries.

This fruit is said to cause a number of diseases for humans, indefinite pollution and increased abuse of herbicides. Many studies confirm that there is no link between the use of GMO and health problems. Meanwhile other studies show many worrisome correlations such as multiple organ damage and reproductive disorders. However, the risks of serious damage to health are becoming increasingly difficult to refute.

So what about the codes starting with other numbers?

Most fruits and foods have a four-digit code and start with numbers 3 and 4. These types of products are not altered and grown naturally and, of course, sprayed. spray with plant protection chemicals. So be careful to rinse and rinse several times under a strong tap or peel off the shell before eating or processing these fruits or foods.

If the code on the product you are planning to purchase has five digits and starts with a 9 digit, what are you waiting for? It is a 100% organic product and does not contain any pesticides, plant protection or any growth hormone. And along with that, of course is a much higher price than similar products.

But with the industrial age with so many malicious things surrounding it, it is not too difficult to think of a little extra money to invest in a healthy life, right? what?



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