Tips or with spinach to tasty green medium, back safety

Because the spinach is very easy, when it is cool, especially in the summer the water boiled garlic is very popular as a kind of refreshing soup.

Spinach dish is preferred during the summer.

With boiled spinach

-The most important thing when boiled spinach is time. You should not boil vegetables for too long will cause the vegetables being duct and d. Green. Boiled vegetables for the longest time is under 15 minutes.

-Use large sized saucepan, pour more water will help you shorten the process boiled vegetables and green vegetables help. When picked vegetables, vegetable broth also quickly cool should not be black.

-If the amount of boiled vegetables too much that you give in at the same time, the vegetables will take longer, be vulnerable to deep black. The best way in this case is that you should split into installments to boil.

-Boiled green vegetables and crispy To, while should give a little boiled salt into the broth. In addition, you can also give a spoonful of broth into the pot of cooking oil, vegetables and green ball than will.

-When picked veggies, so to a large basket into a vegetable, vegetable should not to overlap, the vegetables will long cool so susceptible to black. Besides, you can give vegetables pulled out into the brass water filter has less stone cold, crunchy vegetables and this will help to hold the green.

-If want to use boiled water, after flavor, you let the water cool before lemon squeezed on to avoid a bitter taste.

Small tips

If not boiled to eat in two packed is not boiled vegetable dip into cold water. By just using chopsticks for vegetables come to face many times cover mau, lush and crunchy enough vegetables.

How get tangle delicious vegetable, more secure?

-Should not choose the tangle of vegetables have lemon too, usually only to header to chopsticks eat, avoid buying to the tangle of vegetables have a thorn to extraordinary.

-Should not choose tangle of vegetables too far, seen from green iridescent green up, break saw very crispy lemon, dark green leaves.

-Especially when washing vegetables that saw emerge more bubbles is sure vegetables have chemical contamination of water washing, detergent.=



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