Want to choose the fresh pig heart without injecting chemicals please look at this point


For the heart, the experience for housewives is to choose only dark red fruits, a smooth, soft outer surface, and the heart membrane must be attached to the heart muscle. Fresh pork heart must be elastic when touching. If you press your hand on the heart, the mother will see a little fresh pink blood fluid secreted, no mucus and no strange smell.

The mother remembers attention if any heart is abnormally large, dark or pale, the surface is rough, hematoma or white granular grains of rice, pressing softly, between the pericardium and the heart muscle If you have yellow water, your heart will have a blood clot or dark black liquid inside, smells rancid or the smell of medicine should be ignored because it is the heart of a sick pig.


Choose a heart that is moderately large, usually a good pig heart will weigh about 300g - 500g, which is the heart of big pigs, not small pigs (usually a small pig heart is usually sick or sick not good time to eat, it is not good.

Don't choose to buy frozen hearts

A delicious heart is not cold, has a good elasticity, has a fresh color, no strange smell, it is a good heart. Frozen hearts are usually the heart that passes through the day or the hearts of pigs that are sick when eaten will not taste good or even cause illness.

For pig kidneys (pig kidneys), in addition to choosing fruits that have no rancid smell, are not soft . then I especially choose dark, even-colored fruits, not speckled with yellow, red or white spots.

The heart and the pig are all quite nutritious foods, but because they are animal organs, they only eat at a moderate level, sometimes adding a meal to bring the best health benefits.



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