Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for baby

Buy rancid Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat to soak or chemicals are always worry of many sisters when markets, these mothers are selected to prepare a bowl of delicious porridge for the weaning. However, just a little observant observe, the mother can avoid the poor quality food.

Please Tips how to identify shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, should not buy for the weaning

Shrimp chemical pump

At present the condition put on the raw shrimp impurities are increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect. According to the publication are given in decision No. 194/QD-BNN-QUALITY MANAGEMENT of the Ministry of agriculture and rural developZhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babynt about checking impurities in raw shrimp, expression of shrimp have impurities is usually:

-First Line,

-Xoè Tail,

-Trunk slightly stretch or strain the eye very nice round rather than as ordinary shrimp: soft-bodied, flat and slightly curved.

The shrimp have impurities jutting head (photo Ministry of agriculture and rural developZhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babynt).

The shrimp has impurities: xoè tails (photo flitch).

The shrimp has impurities: gai'm all (photo Ministry of agriculture and rural developZhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babynt).

With prawn, mother should choose shrimp shelled, Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat balls mounted on the casing. Shrimp should not choose shrimp pink bold, this is the kind of shrimp to long, was ươn, not sure of the quality.

The next way is for frozen shrimp or shrimp catching, you were cleaning up, hold the head and the tail of the shrimp to pull straight out of shrimp. If the coupling between the shrimp snugly new shrimp is burning, also if this joints wider i.e. shrimp has been frozen for too long.

To "eat" for, when buying shrimp for you, parents should look to buy fresh shrimp, "jump", not separating fishy bottom legs, as possible. This is the kind of shrimp and the best for weaning.


Miraculous sề pork the beef

Pork sề status "mask" the cow is not new but still disturbing for mothers when select the Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat for you. By sensory when going to buy Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat, the mother can be distinguished as follows:

The real beef is red or dark pink Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat fibers, the au is small, yellow grease. Fake pork beef will have fiber to and shorter, not smooth, opaque white fat. Also when lightly on the mouth Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat, beef more real, less elasticity, the feeling of the Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat to stick by hand. If it is false the Indian beef pork on soft flesh, which would see not stick under the hand.


The real beef is red or dark pink Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat fibers, the au is small, yellow grease. (photo illustration).

The chicken water pump

SoZhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for baby traders duck or chicken tips: If the water pump, the seller typically chooses two thighs and laid down to pump. So when choosing chicken cooking miles for children, parents should observe the fillet chicken thighs and sides. If you see the ball, thick Zhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babyat fibers stretch, to then don't purchase. If left whole, sisters hold the reverse slope chickens, ducks up, if it has been more then strain the water pump.

If the water pump, the seller typically chooses two thighs and laid down to pump (photo illustration).

Also sharing experiences, PGS TS. The only Thinh Nguyen, quality manageZhao recognizes shrimp, beef, chicken, chemical pumps, avoid buying for babynt, Institute of technology biology and food in the Hanoi University for or, if found the duck, chicken fat, my sister just grab a knife or sharp object pierced the skin, if pumps water, water will flow out.=



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