5 noisy wedding dress for Free showbiz 2014

Wedding dresses were elements of counterfeit goods

It is the bride's wedding dress Sreedhar South actress -wife comedy. Wedding dress English element is Message NTK were counterfeit goods.

You share Messages, feedback, she has the show warm purple wedding collection in a wedding exhibition. Supermodel Thanh Hang an extravagant violet dress worth 200 million stride on the runway was a lot of audience applause, praise. His wife said to her wedding dress salons and try on this dress don't buy despite incentives for artists. Thus, when seeing the picture of her wedding, July salmon Protection NTK Ajith has shocked to tears because that couples knowingly steal her design.

Then, his Security had denied. He said the right to know the price of the skirt is 200 million, his wife did not want to try.   But due to pressure staff solicitations should not dare you reject. Then, because unable to negotiate prices with NTK Ajith should Jiabao didn't buy the dress. One other is Lê Long NTK Dung voiced the wish to make wedding dresses for his wife and Family he put absolutely idea for this designer.

Wedding dresses were the "do" from 6 million up 115 million

That is the dress of the bride Marine-wife singer Posted Resume. According to previous information, then post your Resume reveal: British Marine bride an 2 dress in the wedding party. A tin of NTK Uk Mail has 200 million price, the rest of the NTK Yellow Sea, 115 million is slightly cheaper. A few months after the wedding, a facebooker unexpectedly unleashed photo tried at the blacksmith shop of NTK Yellow Sea with identical dress of British Marine and trotted only 6 million. Facebooker does not forget to pick the couple Posted Resume "explode". Reply to journalism, He also more information Mail NTK is the dress she makes Cards You only 180 million rather than the 200 million.

Soon after, British Marine and Belle have justified that they never reveal about price wedding dress that's completely due to the media's thinking.

The most expensive wedding dresses Free showbiz 2014

That is the dress of the super model Ngoc Suicidal in the wedding to fiancé Richard Chile-a doctor Vietnamese Americans. The dress has the arm, made of high grade Italian lace, due to the Yellow Sea for her own doing NTK, the real price is over 200 million.

In addition to money, another reason that the skirts become Jade's wedding is grossing Shivaji took place only after the right 1, dating with the American physicians. She put both Vice-kip include NTK, makeup specialists and friends bridesmaid groomsmen to the u.s. support of her wedding.

Happiest wedding dresses

That is the dress of actress Kim Hien. After the marriage the top betrayed, wants your best actress will soon have a new charm. Thus, when she declared the marriage with Vietnamese businessman Andy, all the attention of showbiz are poured into her crease.

Kim present minimalist fishtail wedding dress and elegant with the string of pearls around the neck. Happy smile fullness of the couple in a wedding led fans to believe that the actress had a response the Ben really peace.

Wedding dresses cause curiosity for

That is the dress of the bride wife Means Swift 9 x Lam's market. It curious because this is the second wedding of female singers. Moreover, only less than a month before the wedding, you Two are faced with scandal due to his ex-wife An Italian Ngo. Not to mention, bad means of Swift Blue School age and pretty much everyone is waiting see what new bride vs. bride.

The dress is pretty simple design, lightness and elegance. The bride also revealed that absolutely is not a "terrorist" and yet wedding dresses up to 50 million.=



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