5 kinds of energy-rich fruits are close friends of thin people: To lose weight, stay away


The aroma and flavor of mango become a favorite fruit of many people. Mango contains large amounts of vitamins A and C and is particularly high in calories.

On average, one mango provides about 100 calories. Ripe mango is a great choice for people who want to gain weight fast, because compared to green mangoes, ripe mangoes provide higher sugar levels.


Compared to other fruits, butter has monounsaturated fat and the highest protein content, which is almost as high as milk. Eat an avocado you have provided 370 calories for the body.

Besides, the vitamins and minerals in avocado also help strengthen the health of the body, helping to help reduce some diseases of cancer and bone joints. A good avocado, butter butter is a great suggestion to increase your weight.


We know, every 100 grams of bananas contain 125 calories and it takes 55.9 minutes to consume. Bananas contain high carbohydrate content and contain high levels of potassium. They are high in calories and are not suitable for high volume consumption if you are in the process of losing weight.


Although more than 94% of watermelons are water and their normal sugar content is only 5%, they have very high calorie intake. If a watermelon is eaten in one day, it is equivalent to eating six white rice bowls. Although watermelons are good, don't be too fond of love but eat in large quantities.

If you want to lose weight successfully, you must be aware that some fruits cannot be added to your daily menu. Even if you have a desire to meet your taste, think about a nice physique after losing weight, so that you can control and control better eating.

Chinese apple

Nutrition analysis showed that a red apple apple weighs 10 grams contains 21 calories and needs 23 minutes of walking to consume that calories. Simply imagine, if you have a normal weight, after eating an apple, you must walk 23 minutes to remove the energy you have just loaded.

Jujube is rich in potassium while the humidity is very low (because it is dried). Even fresh jujube, water content is not as high as other fruits.

Therefore, if you need to lose weight, you should eat as little as possible during weight loss, especially those with heavy moisture, flatulence, loose stools, and cold spleen and stomach disease are not suitable. to eat.



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