Common foods that help lose weight unexpectedly

Lose weight with cold rice

Conventional food help lose weight .

Rice is the same but why hot rice does not have the effect of weight loss while cold rice back effectively? The answer is: in the hot rice starch component when the body will stimulate the activity of the stomach and the digestive system makes the digestive process takes place faster, you will quickly starve.

Meanwhile, if cold, eat starch resistant component will suppress the activity of the digestive organs makes the digestion slows down, helps the body do not easily absorb microorganisms of starches, so it doesn't get converted most of the energy that wiped out the body.

Furthermore, the microorganisms of starches can also help control blood sugar, insulin secretion inhibitors, which hindered the process of fat synthesis in the body should reduce excessive fat status causes weight gain.

Lose weight with cooking oil

So far you still think that all types of cooking oil were not beneficial for weight loss purposes. But in fact, some fats are healthy again works against fat in the body. Two oils are said to have this effect is coconut oil and olive oil.

Coconut oil contains less calories than other oils (6, 8Kcal/grams coconut oil as compared with other oil 9Kcal per gram). Moreover, the energy in coconut oil almost like just easy to digest carbohydrates can be liver "burn" soon to turn into energy and avoid forming excessive fat deposits in the body. Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids that fat has the effect of helping the less fat stored in the body. Besides, the olive oil also contains large concentrations of adiponectin-a type of hormone that helps break down the components of fats in the body.

That's why the 2 oils have effects that help you avoid weight gain.


Fatty acid in honey has the effect of promoting increased peristalsis.

Fatty acid in honey has the effect of promoting increased peristalsis. The vitamins and minerals also help regulate the function of the digestive apparatus, helps push toxins out of the body, improves the condition of constipation.

The glucose and fructose in honey was not absorbed directly, so do not worry about the accumulation of fat in the body. Besides the calories in honey, 100 g honey contains only 294 calories should have very good weight loss effects. A cup of honey with warm water before bed help detoxify, boost metabolism, burn excess fat in the body to help the abdomen you compact. You can mix the honey with a little cucumber juice to increase the effective weight loss.

Weight loss thanks to Mint toothpaste

Have you ever thought that the Mint-flavored toothpaste can limit your appetite? True fact. Mint flavors these cannot be food smell overwhelms that it also makes you no longer have cravings.

Moreover, after each brushing, you will have the feeling of clean teeth and from which also concerned should also limit dining conversation was the addition of calories into the body.

According to health experts, the smell of peppermint help you awake, decrease fatigue, increase the feeling of no as if you've just eaten before. Pleasant taste and the coolness of Mint will transmit to the Agency the taste and very rapidly the sense of smell, the ability to reduce your appetite.

This habit is not only safe and effective weight loss but also help you have a healthy teeth.


Help you lose weight without a strict diet.

Almonds are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin P, and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other nutrients. In addition the almonds also contain monounsaturated fatty acids have the effect of decreasing blood lipid, help you lose weight without a strict diet. In the remaining almonds contain large amounts of fiber, which helps to reduce the severe hunger, helps you to maintain his physique. Eat a few almonds or drink a cup of almond tea before bed to help you not only no but also no fear of belly fat.=



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