Cooking recipes to help lose weight fast

Here's the secret to weight loss of a nutritionist who California, sisters of the same reference.

1. Only use coconut oil

I don't like cooking with any kind of cooking oil would if not mandatory. One of the best ways to cook these dishes low in fat is to use coconut oil instead of other edible oils. I usually heat the pan with coconut oil when sauteed vegetables, baking or frying eggs, ... it's a great way to reduce your waist measurement. Because coconut oil contains more fat, but they're not being transformed into unhealthy substances during the heat. This is very important if you want to lose weight while still ensuring cardiovascular health. Use animal fats are not only harmful to the body, but also goes against the desire to lose weight.

Also, when you heat the vegetable oils, including olive oil, the fat will be turned and moved to smell rancid. Coconut oil not only metamorphosed when cooking but also reduces your appetite. With the right chips flooded the oil should not, but I encourage you to use coconut oil instead of regular food oils when cooked, stir-fried dishes are processed daily.

2. using lemon juice

An important secret I still apply when processing vegetables or salads is to use lemon juice. I love to squeeze the lemon into the water the vegetables after the boil, will help the country more delicious vegetables without adding little calories. In addition, I also used lemon juice instead of vinegar in salads or salad. The dish tastes delicious aroma that you feel secure because not used to the kind of water vinegar have chemical machining.

3. bake in the microwave

You may not yet know, baking in the microwave than other grilling directly and also much healthier. The dishes are grilling more quickly at high temperatures usually lost protein and fat in food, more is not good for your heart. High temperatures can even produce many carcinogens. On the other hand, baking in the microwave makes you take a little more time, but requires a lower temperature and more healthy for your body.

4. Say no to the fried dishes, fried

If you are still accustomed to regular food, fried, fried, I think you should start to try the other recipes. Bake in the microwave is always better than fried. Eggs baked or grilled meat is always a great replacement for the egg or fried meat disk. Besides, boiled or stir-fried dishes should also be a priority. FRY is a way of fast-fried with small amount of oil. You can give to the Pan just enough coconut oil amounts to sautéed vegetable dish.

5. Increase the amount of green vegetables

When cooking at home, be at least 75% of the processing of vegetable dishes. You should eat more vegetables and boiled vegetables as a source of food with carbon-hydrate grain flour instead of high. You can make the salad with fresh fruits and vegetables if you want. In addition, you can also frequently processed casseroles or egg dishes with vegetables such as Zucchini, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, mushrooms and onions instead of meat. This recipes help you reduce calories, will be better for your health and help you lose weight faster than any other cooking tricks.

6. Reduce the amount of meat

Even if you just like to eat lean meat, the cut of the meat will also help you lose weight quickly. You should focus more on vegetarian diet, vegetarian lacto-ovo style (apart from the milk of animals, who eat also used more types of eggs), vegetarian or pescatarian type (do not eat meat, but eats fish, eggs and milk sugar). Gradually, try to move the menu from meat to fish to the best weight loss can, of course, unless you're a vegetarian. There are many plant protein helps you change the menu such as tofu, grains of matchsticks (quinoa), hemp seeds, nuts (nuts), butter and nuts lentils (beans lentils). That is the great source of protein to help you lose weight.

7. Do not eat salt

To lose weight effectively, you go cut eating salt and apply the DASH diet (dietary accessibility mode helps to stop high blood pressure). This is one of the best cooking tips to reduce your waistline. First of all, it is the healthy diet, helps you not feel hungry. This diet also helps you avoid high blood pressure condition, reduce tension and avoid the risk of heart disease. To cut down on salt, you select the no food or contain little sodium and seasonings, limit eating processed foods available.=



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