Explore the mechanism of weight each blood group

Blood group A

People with blood type A is sensitive people very easy to stress, in particular eating habits have enormous influence to body weight. According to nutrition experts to weight the blood type A should be vegetarian.

The blood type A should cut all the foods derived from animals out of the diet because the food is not the best food for you.

These foods should not be eaten: the types of beef, duck, lamb, pig, pheasant, veal, fun jungle. The types of butter, milk, cheese from cow's milk and cow's milk products are not recommended to eat. Besides the blood type A should not eat some vegetables and fruits: bananas, coconuts, mangoes, papayas, oranges. Should not eat eggplant, cabbage, pepper, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes.

The good food for weight of the blood group A: If there is blood group A should you choose chicken, turkeys, ostriches, mackerel, salmon, sardines, cheese made from goat's milk, sheep and eggs for breakfast every day. Besides you should add more nutrition from grains of wheat, sunflower, Sesame, walnuts, cashew nuts, legumes: haricot, beans, butter beans, mausoleum head red, and green vegetables on the menu.

You can combine the above food to have a best menu for your weight loss.

Blood group O

The blood group O is the "ancient" blood for, it reflects the lifestyle of people in primitive era, when have to hunt animals and collect food to live and survive. Currently this is the most common blood type. The metabolism of people with blood group O operate best if provided the high rate of food protein and low-sugar powder; means the person who has blood type O should divide the meal making many small breakfast meat (but avoid pork), chicken, duck and fish with vegetables and fruit.

The food is "hostile" for people with blood group O consists of: the majority of grains (especially wheat), bean seeds, lots of vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli (soup-hovering)...) and dairy products. This foods contain lectin will lead to adhesive reaction in the body. People who have blood type O must also abstain from both tomatoes because Tomatoes contain a lectin is especially strong, capable of cementing the blood groups A, B and O, also known as panhemagglutinin (the implication is that the adhesive contact group). People also demonstrated there in tomato lectin will reduce the amount of mucin (the main component of mucus) in the stomach, has the ability to bind neurons, related to the mechanism of cells produces acid in the stomach, causing the "powerhouse" this "teaser" at the world open (locking open).

The good food for people with blood group O: red meats, poultry, meat of herbivorous animals very well and fit to the body. You should also eat mackerel, herring eggs, duck eggs (note should only eat up to 6 eggs per week). Besides soybeans, flaxseed, Sesame, almond, buckwheat, millet, cassava, barley is also very suitable for you. Also please complement many green vegetables in the diet.

Tip: Because your metabolism making slow food digestion because see combine proper diet with sport: walking, swimming regularly to maintain ideal weight.

Blood group B

Those who carry the blood group B comprised only 10% of the population. Those blood group B is identical to blood group A is the stress can make you gain or lose weight. People who have blood type B have the ability to absorb lactose well so should not eat too much cheese if you want to maintain a stable weight.

The food is not good for: people who have blood type B should file away the meat of poultry such as ducks, geese, meat: chicken, quail, Partridge ... pork and some types of seafood such as eels, squid, cod, salmon, mussels, scallop, lobster, mollusks.

Besides, should not put cashew, hazelnut, peanut, fruit, Sesame, sunflower seeds, buckwheat flour, cornstarch, tapioca, wheat, rye on his application form if you want to lose, maintain stable weight. Some of the vegetables are not good with the B blood group: tree atiso, olives, sweet corn, pumpkins, radishes, rhubarb, tomato, fruit, coconut, pink fruit up, pomegranate, fig and star fruit.

These foods should be eaten: The blood group B should choose beef, lamb, veal, ostrich, pheasant, Turkey, some sort of meat. You can also eat some types of fish such as flounder, cod, salmon, sturgeon ... What kind of cheese from goat's milk, white cheese, salty cheese, sour milk, cow's milk, fresh goat milk is also good with blood group b. If like to eat eggs, then should just eat chicken eggs. Though should not eat many types of common cereal but if the nuts, cereal is your favorite, you can select the almonds, chestnuts, walnuts, black beans, lentils, wheat germ, soybeans, millet, oats, rice.

Finally to ensure enough supply of protein needed then also should eat more green vegetables.

Blood group AB

People who have blood group AB can eat any of the food I like. However, if eating too momentum then the weight will also be your anxieties.

Should not eat food: beef, chicken, goose, Partridge, venison, eels, flatfish, cod, squid, salmon, mussels, clams, crab, lobster, oysters. Some types of blue cheese, butter, dry milk, cheese parma, duck eggs should not be selected. Besides that you stay away from corn, Sesame, sunflower, black beans, red beans, beans, buckwheat, and some types of fruit such as pears, bananas, coconut, raspberry, guava, mango, Orange, pomegranate, fig, contract law.

Food should eat: If carrying blood group AB you should eat salmon, herring, tuna, mackerel, lamb, beef liver, ostrich, pheasant. You can eat eggs, goose eggs and quail. Some seeds and grains such as corn, peanuts, soybeans, walnuts, almonds, flax seed, nuts, berries, walnuts, barley, millet, oats, rice, rye, very fit with a menu for you.

To lose weight quickly you take wheat types out of the menu and replace it with the other grains. Eat many small meals scattered to absorb calories but still have to maintain time moderation. Should eat more fruit and make sure always to eat more green vegetables.=



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