Horrified with the weight ... flagellation, unscientific

Forced vomiting or bowel cleansing

Weight loss is the right method and the new scientific results.

Some teens think that vomiting eWw gross out food can prevent weight gain. Actually, this is one of the ways to lose weight inefficient and dangerous. Frequent vomiting will cause dehydration and swelling of the salivary glands. Not to mention, from the stomach acid reflux can cause damage to the esophagus (the tube that leads from the mouth down the stomach) and cause tooth decay. Forced vomiting eWw gross is also the first sign of the eating disorder called bulimia (eating-vomit).

Swallowing worms eggs costs for weight loss: medicine "bundle"

Inferiority of body fat redheaded, many children, especially the young, are experimented with a new type of weight loss such as swallowing the eggs, vinegar, drinking eating worms spicy or fasting only drinking water filter.

In the Forum of the socialnetwork, the more you share to lose weight by only eating lean meat, do not eat or lose weight by only eating fat, eating boiled eggs. There are people who share them just shrimp to weight loss.


Tobacco use as a method to lose weight is very non-scientific.

In the past several decades, agencies, public health organizations in the world have recommended people should restrict smoking because the myriad risks that it brings to their health. But there are some people, most frequently in young people use tobacco as a method to lose weight quickly. Including Katherine Heigl, American actress and beautiful in "One For The Money" has been chosen smoking to maintain its slender body.

You should know that nicotine is a substance proven capable of inhibiting appetite, but compared to the harm of it, no benefits which could compensate. Smoking harms nearly every organ in the body, is one of the causes of cancer, respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease and increases the risk of death.

Drinking vinegar, colon removal, liposuction surgery

This is the way to lose weight is chosen by the apparent results, but can be dangerous for health.

Many different transmission methods to lose weight by drinking vinegar. The fact is there are many people who have weight thanks to this way, even then like to review not fatty.

According to the salary Of the Central Universe, medical weight loss with vinegar is non science and are killing themselves. Vinegar is acetic acid, which when taken into the body of a large, regularly makes the stomach, intestinal eroded. It also kills the yeast, make dieters no longer wanted to eat, so that thin goes quickly.

The way this is also associated with the disease. Since then the body will weak, hardly tolerated nutrients. Each has a case of the podium because the stomach weight with vinegar. Depending on people to drink more or less that will have various toxicity levels.


Fasting news is going to live.

Fasting news is going live! Not fasting is losing weight because the body needs lots of nutrients and energy for daily activities.

Fasting or mercilessly cut the calories in the diets make you lose weight quickly. But you still don't do this yourself wanting (destruction of excess fat), the reason the actual weight is muscle atrophy was small (the thing that you don't want).

When the energy load on the body is not enough will cause dehydration, decreased metabolism, the body is adjusted to need fewer calories than (maintained at exist), so the muscles suffer from toe. This at the same time causing the change in percentage body fat, increases the risk of metabolic syndrome and diabetes type 2. Not to mention, after a brief period of fasting, the body you need to eat more fat to compensate part of the energy shortfall. At the time your weight back quickly back to the starting line.

The experts recommended, do not cut more than 1200 calories per day to minimize dangerous complications.

How to lose weight safely

Make safe weight loss effectively.

How to lose weight safely and effectively is to eat a diet low in calories but still have enough of the nutrients in the reasonable balanced proportion. People who want to lose weight to get the menu match the freshness of each person should be consulted by BS in nutrition.

By the way, practice fasting or drinking vinegar peppers, egg transplants worms are not yet recognized by medicine. If the goal is weight loss, you see the human body which really overweight or obese do not, from which your doctor will advice the method appropriate weight to each person.

Not weight loss methods would also fit in with everyone, this method can help people lose weight but could not match the others.

Besides the diet should enhance mobilization of sports exercise helps the body make healthy Comin' out of the hunt.=



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