Standard weight, whatever rules follow is off excessive fat from a to z

Want to have the perfect body, please proceed according to the rules of weight loss below standard, ensuring you will get 1 physique worth dreaming.

Losing weight is not hard when you have the correct method.

Eat 3-4 hours each

According to the journal of women's Health, most people are eating breakfast and a snack. This can eliminate fat in the body by blocking the amount of excess insulin, stimulates leptin to control appetite and metabolism.

Don't eat within 3 hours of bedtime

Eat near bedtime hour increases body temperature, increase in blood sugar and insulin, preventing the release of melatonin, the hormone biological clock operating and cut the growth hormones.

Never eat protein deficiency

Never eat a lack of protein (lean meat), the other with the carb-rich foods-the way the body uses priority to get instant energy so will make you hungry not long after that, there is a high protein food will cause you no longer, meaning that you don't have to feel hungry for junk food. Let's find out the protein contained in meat, fish, butter, milk ... to have the best diets. Attention, if only two hours after the meal that you were feeling hungry, you eat enough protein.

Breakfast with protein

To control the appetite better throughout the day, you eat eggs, protein-rich foods, whey protein (contains milk proteins) for breakfast.

Do not exercise when the stomach is empty

You need the energy from food to exercise effective optimization. However, should eat 30 minutes before starting the workout.

Finally: How a simple diet that you can make is that you eat less. Your phone has the functions note, please set the "profile feed", record all the stuff you eat, when you eat within a minimum of 1 week. People often think I don't eat much. But as they watched what she ate seriously, they realized how important issues. And in doing so will help you check you control food level has loaded into the body from which there will be a reasonable adjustment, contribute to more effective weight loss.=



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