The food 'eat' when wanting to lose weight

The key to achieving such weight and maintain weight loss as your diet. If you eat more calories, if it does not get burnt out then your body starts storing the fat in the body.

You should remember that the factors that determine your weight reduces 80% come from the diet and 20% come from the world of gymnastics training.

So should the fat loss related to what you eat. The problem here is how to build a healthy diet. The food should be avoided when eating something to not gain weight?

If you want to lose weight you must choose the proper fruits.

Tropical fruits

What types of fruits such as mango, pineapple is very delicious but they contain more sugar than many other fruits, thus also higher calorie. If like to eat fruit, you can choose apples to replace because apples are low in calories, but rich in fiber.

Dried fruit

Dried fruit means no longer water, but still high-calorie. For example in a lon raisins, contains up to 500 calories or if you eat a lon prunes, you've absorbed 447 calories.

Sweet potatoes

The sweet potato is one of the dishes that are choosing to lose weight. However, despite the amount of calories in sweet potato is not high, but sweet potatoes contain starch and sugars. If you've eaten sweet potatoes then eat these foods contain many other starch.

There are many foods to avoid for weight loss, it is important that you need to build yourself a healthy diet.

A diet low in fat, low in calories and plenty of vegetables is the preferred diet. For those with healthy exercise more then then can also eat sweet dishes, fried dishes such as potato chips, chocolate, mushroom, an ice cream, or a glass of fruit juice!

However, abuse on the types of food that can prevent fat loss efforts or even lead to weight gain. So pay attention when eating these foods and minimize its consumption to the most effective weight loss.=



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