The mistake 'deadly' popular balanced reduction when the fruit

The common mistake "deadly" when losing weight with fruit.

Lose fat with grapefruit?

Grapefruit (also known as grapefruit bitters) rich in vitamin C, sugar component is not high, if only to eat a fruit for the whole meal, the calories absorbed will be very low, help women lose weightfast.

But if physically weak, you should eat some salty biscuits pieces (cracker) have high fiber ingredients, avoiding to empty belly, making acid in grapefruit can cause stomach pain.

The fruit is considered "wages"

Most fruits of cold calculation, if eating more, easily cause diarrhea. In addition, the products do not contain substances that produce energy as starch, proteins, overeating will make your brain will constantly emit signals when the body warning mistakes yet no.

Moreover, if too many additional fruit will cause increased blood sugar levels, blood sugar time stay in the stomach longer, hurting.

High blood sugar also led to the symptoms manifested as restless gut hot, dizzy, diabetes mellitus.

Therefore, the doctors recommended before eating the fruit, to learn exactly the health condition itself, especially for people who have no fin pleasant.

Eat as much fruit as possible

You think of fruit contain all the beneficial substance for the body such as vitamins, fiber, the type of substance, so eat as much as possible, maybe even eat vegetable instead. The fact absolutely not so.

Although vitamins are, how precious the body also need only a certain amount, when too much supply of vitamins for the body by eating too many of you will probably infected.

The fruit also can not replace the vegetables because vegetables have the vitamins and substances. If eat fruit instead of green vegetables will make the body vitamin and micro.=



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