The secret off excessive fat after the lunar new year in just one week

There are waist Compact is what anyone would expect.

Juice of carrot and watercress

Watercress is rich in antioxidants and fiber along with abundant vitamin a. carrots combine two foods this just calorie restriction, at the same time increase the operational capability of peristalsis help removal of toxins and prevent the process of fat. By then, the waist is secure.

How to use

Finely chopped watercress and carrots, then grind using a small blender and poured out of the Cup to use. Time of use it is best in the early morning.

Cucumber and lemon juice

Combine cucumber with lime to form a delicious medium sized juices help you lose weight quickly. In cucumber contains many sulfur and Silicon should have the effect of stimulating the kidneys eliminate uric acid through the urine, so that it has the effect of purifying the body, detoxification effect.

Lemon contains citric acid, vitamin C should promote energy metabolism and metabolism, help you lose weight effectively. The combination of these two types of food not only helps you lose weight fast but also purifies the body, helps the healthy body, limiting the accumulation of excess fat.

How to use

Cucumber juice and squeezed lemon mixed into each other more, could add little salt to taste. You can enjoy this juice after breakfast is finished.

Spinach and apples

Spinach is a source of vitamin E, flolate, iron and fiber. When we drink will help to make the body feel and no calorie restriction.

How to use

Small type apples Thía pomegranate seeds then remove together with spinach in a blender to puree. When to drink please a little additional lemon juice to taste delicious.=



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