The stars of racing each other lose weight by eating bananas.

1. The singer Seo In Young (South Korea)

Female singer cum actor, model, Seo In Young has applied the method of losing weight is extremely effective, science. Now, Seo In Young is not the owner was a balanced, healthy physique but also possesses a smooth skin, nice light sweetness. The secret of Seo In Young's extremely simple, it's to lose weight by banana and exercise regularly. Thanks to the typical fruits of this tropical, Seo In Young has reduced to 6 kg within 4 weeks.

Thanks to eat a banana every day, Seo In Young has reduced to 6 kg within 4 weeks.

Female singer said, she is a very easy organ on weight, so to maintain health as well as keep a balanced body, she needs to spend less amount of fat in the diet and science. SEO In Young banana chosen dishes in the main menu of your weight loss. Bananas that Seo In Young is used fresh, ripe medium bananas, not to freeze.

Each breakfast, she only eat a banana to the lining. The lunch and the dinner she was still eating normally, only limit pastries and fruits high in sugar. With lunch, she usually used the dish made from chicken breasts.

Weight loss menu of Seo In Young stars:

Morning: 1-2 bananas, 2 cups of filtered water.

Lunch with dishes that are good for health and not fat, sweet substance.

Light meals: eat ½-1 banana if feel hungry.

Dinner: the normal food, mainly rice and herb, no fats, sweeteners.

In addition, she is also hard aerobic workout to promote fast weight loss process, maintain a healthy and toned body.

2. The actor From United Park

With From Hope, a famous actor, then the standard shape is extremely important. To my height as Italy, in addition to hard training exercise, you have to arrange the menu weight so that the most effective without causing prejudice to health. And effectiveness of weight loss is bananas!

Effective weight loss with a menu of bananas From Greece.

Have time for 3 weeks continuously each packed her just eat a banana goal and from then on, she is reduced to 3 kg, in the second half, forward discount is 7 kg. Effective weight loss menu from banana goal immediately became the subject of weight loss was interested in Taiwan at that time.

Bananas are fruits rich in calories, fiber and sugars, so one side can help you satisfy the hunger, on the other hand can supplement nutrition and energy for the body. So in the process of losing weight using banana, you can reduce the amount of fat in the food but still provide the energy and nutrition for your daily activities.

3. Ms. Freelee (Australia)

Young mother Freelee is causing special attention when share video weight loss Guide to youtube. According to the disclosure of Freelee, her body becomes compact surprise after a long time the stout that is thanks to the diet "no one would dare to try."

To calculate only the currency loaded 2000-5000 calories a day, Freelee said she doesn't eat any cooked until 4 pm. In the period before 4 pm she only eat fruit, especially bananas. After 4 p.m., she will eat less fatty food, usually baked sweet potato.

Freelee before and after weight loss thanks to eat bananas.

Freelee's weight loss regime is very eccentric. Sometimes she ate to 51 banana each day. However often, Freelee choose eating balanced but also all fruits, including pineapples, mango fruit 5 left two, two liter orange juice, 1.4 kg and 20 banana. Freelee also posted the videos and photos demonstrating about different diets.

Super Stars lose weight for more, in the past she has appetite and weight loads. By then she had to make several measures off balance expensive drugs. These measures ever makes her tired body, facial acne grows. And things only improved when she found the way to lose weight by the fruit.

Bananas are one of the fruits have high fiber ingredients. Bananas include soluble fiber and insoluble to the body. Weight loss secrets from bananas is: We will provide enough fiber laminated into the stomach increases the feeling of satiety, reduces the absorption of food.

In addition, bananas contain a different fiber types have hit resistance starch contained in bananas will be fermenting in the stomach to create products that help burn fat 20-25%, thus reducing the energy enter the body, avoiding the accumulation of excess fat.=



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