Top foods to help you beat belly fat after the lunar new year

Have two Compact is what anyone would expect.

Cinnamon powder

Consumption part two one teaspoon of cinnamon powder each day to help lower harmful cholesterol in the body significantly, at the same time it beneficial cholesterol levels stable.

As part of cinnamon powder contains high amounts of polyphenols and hydroxycinnamaldehyde, have affected the operation of the metabolism of insulin, sugar builds up to form fat cause diabetes.

The research has shown, often drink extracts from cinnamon reduces blood sugar levels at hungry, blood pressure and body fat percentage. Cinnamon and honey is the formula weight loss help you own second round compact.


Honey is considered potions weight loss and beauty of the sisters. We have bold but sweet taste does not cause obesity, because sweetener in honey is made by fructose does not metabolize into glucose as fat.

Honey contains full of natural vitamins, minerals and amino acid diversity helps metabolize fat, prevents the harmful cholesterol absorption, reducing the weight quickly.

In addition, also thanks to the nutritional components quite full, so when using honey to lose weight you don't worry energy deficit. Honey combined with some other foods such as lemon, cinnamon, grapefruit ... bring to the weight loss effect.


In the grapefruit contains some enzymes have the effect to burn fat faster. The research also showed that the enzymes in grapefruit also affects the activity of insulin. It promotes insulin to metabolize sugar quickly, avoid accumulation causes diabetes.

Grapefruit also contain more water, fiber and viatmin C high help enhance metabolism in the body, filling the stomach, feeling no, stop the appetite.

In the shell, the leper and seeds also contain an active ingredient of grapefruit weight loss fast as pectin. This is a form of natural soluble fiber, which helps to prolong the food digestion, reduce absorption of lipids, reducing harmful cholesterol, stabilize blood sugar and prevent constipation. Every day 2 grapefruit helps you have a compact physique as Italy.

Capsaicin has in weight loss menus from Chili Peppers work hindering the growth of the fatty tissue.


Capsaicin has in weight loss menus from Chili Peppers work hindering the growth of the fatty tissue.

That's the good news for those who are suffering because of overweight condition. Obesity is a matter related to the whole of humanity and are on a strong development momentum.

So seek help weight loss by the natural weight loss secrets, such as peppers will play extremely important role.

The scientist explains: when eating the spicy dish network of nerves, strong digestive system sends signals to the brain and under the direction of the Agency, the body immediately reacted by dramatically increasing the production of Adrenalin and the increased activity of the heart-pulling effort according to the push fast combustion process energy (adipose tissue).=



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