Top fruits as possible eat as 'delicate'


Cucumber cooler unit, has the effect of cooling, refreshing, diuretic. Furthermore, cellulose substances in cucumber can promote urinary tract food scraps reduces the absorption of cholesterol, and a number of other substances that help limit the types of starch in the body is converted into fat, gaining weight and regulate lipid metabolism.


Grapefruit is a fruit help lose weight extremely effective. New study shows, no need to change the diet as well as lifestyle, women need only eat 1 grapefruit per day can reduce up to 10 kg in 13 weeks. Each half grapefruit contains 37 calories and fiber in the fruit can cause you no longer.


The carrot is known to be the very foods rich in fiber, more vitamins A just help do not go hungry quickly, so carrots are one of the very good fruits in the process of losing weight. Besides, the carrot back to help the disabled, preventing eyes light on the eyes, skin, Dermatitis, wound prevention.


Eating an Apple every day, can cause heart disease mortality risk decreased by half. The reason is because in apples contain flavonoids-a natural antioxidant. Through the inhibition of the oxidation process that works against atherosclerosis.

In addition, the tshirt is the low amount of heat plants, when you eat more apples, heat the body will absorb less than when you eat different foods at the same weight as the weight of your natural body.

Weight loss menu 3 days along the apples as follows, you will only have apples and water in 3 meals, also does not have any other food, just eat until you feel full, and it's best to eat a Red Apple (washed, peeled to avoid smoking to preserve). After 3 days, your taste buds will be very sensitive, you should eat with foods such as congee, tofu ... to regain balance the digestive system.


Eggplant is rich in vitamins, especially vitamin P, has the effect of enhancing the adhesive cells, improves the flexibility circuit. The study said, eat Eggplant is not the reduction of cholesterol in the body but also helps prevent blood fat, avoiding injury to blood ...

Waky weight

Waky possesses many good possibility that obesity, overweight people are dreaming to have sugar, protein, vitamins and minerals. Central y for that, cool, cold sweet relief, non toxic, beneficial for the heat bar, refreshments, detoxify, reduce fat. Besides, often eat melon is also good for those who suffer from atherosclerosis, diabetes, treat swelling.


The tomato is considered the method of weight loss for the latest of Japanese women, this succulent fruit, rich in fiber and vitamin C, A very low calorie, and especially it helps you lose at least 2 kg in 1 month.

To ensure effective good promotion, you should eat 1 tomatoes before each meal, or 2 tomatoes before dinner. Although tomatoes help you lose 2 kg in the first month but the Japanese nutritional experts recommend eating constantly for 3-6 months to maintain efficiency and avoid gaining weight back after stopping to eat tomatoes.


The banana is a fruit type possesses a high fibre, rich in nutrients and vitamins. Bananas are the experts advised that need to eat more to be highly effective in weight loss. Eating bananas regularly helps reduce belly fat quickly and help for metabolic processes occur faster excites in good digestion.

Sweet potatoes

Nutrition research study findings, eating sweet potatoes just right can prevent the accumulation of fat in the blood system, prevention of atherosclerotic disease, causing subcutaneous diminished see, limiting obesity status. However, eating too much will cause the reverse effect. è.


Eat oranges contain 48 calories so it also help you eat more slowly and easily recognized signal has no body in every meal to help you finish the meal earlier, from which you do not eat more.

Known in 200 ml of orange juice contains about 115 fiber.


Instead of eating grapes in the biscuits, the sisters try to replace with fresh grapes, yes because it doesn't contain a lot of sugar. According to many studies, the 100 g grape only contains 70 calories.


Not only the beauty of the skin, good for the digestion, prevent cancer, papaya can also giups women lose weight effectively. 100 g papaya contains only 32 calories, if not full eat papaya 100 g before meals, you will reduce the appetite and rich dishes rice calories. Besides, papaya contains many B vitamins the same antioxidants help your waistline to become more compact.


Kiwi contains a relatively large amount of vitamin C, so it is always the top choice of women who love beauty. Kiwi fruit is the most fiber contains many of the fruits and contains a potassium-rich.

Therefore, it was the kind of outcome in women's weight loss menu. Degradation of kiwi is also very strong, so use the kiwi connection with the dish have meat that is very reasonable. Besides, a little wear special sour kiwi is very beneficial for the body, helping to ease digestion, skin beauty. All women are able to enjoy kiwi in four seasons.=



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