Unexpected weight loss effectiveness from guava fruit

Guava fruit is sold year round, this is the kind of result that most of you girls would also like to eat. Guava contains a lot of vitamins for good health. Eat plenty of guava that are beneficial to the digestive system, help cure disease, constipation. Moreover the girl should eat lots of guava for a beautiful skin. In addition many studies point out that guava, help women lose weight fast, Eat guava guava juice and pipe regularly will help you get in shape fast. The weight loss secrets from guava has just the effect cheap, this is the great suggestions for you daughter needs to lose weight.

Guava is great suggestions for people wishing to lose weight.

Guava contains a lot of vitamin C, E, and minerals are not only good for health but also beautify the skin. More calories in fruits is very high but contains a fairly high fiber intake should guava is considered ideal weight loss foods for women.

Especially in my red guava (psidium guajava) are also more tomato in lycopen substance not only works against those diseases related to obesity , but also other diseases such as diabetes have been implicated in level 1, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Red guava (psidium guajava) cchứa lycopen substances against the diseases related to obesity.

The weight loss secrets from guava was a lot of Asian women applied and was successful. Additional Hẫy guava on the meal of the day. Just eat a guava fruit before lunch, it will help you no longer and eat less in packed lunches.  In addition you can mix using guava juice, adding them to his weight loss menu.

Processing with guava delicacies to lose weight

Guava Smoothie

Use ½ ripe guava dropped shells, ½ ripe banana and 3 strawberry. Chopped raw materials and put this mixture into the Blender along a little cold stone. Then pour more ½ cup soy milk. With this vitamins your body will absorb more nutrients from natural fruits and very effective weight loss help.

Guava juice

Guava, cleanly made 4 and remove the seeds in the Middle, then for guava on presses and grilled. Get the guava juice out for ice and enjoy. To effectively lose weight you should not leave the road to guava juice if not the effect will reverse.

Guava juice has weight loss efficiency effects

If not use the juice or smoothie, you can eat the guava directly. You should eat the guava in front of main meals to replace these foods contain more fat. When making the weight you should eat more fruits and other vegetables, combined with the practice of gentle exercises such as jogging.

Some note when eating guava:

-Although not the poisonous guava fruit you should not eat guava non because more astringency will be harmful for my sister was sick to the stomach or constipation.

-When eating ripe guava, you should also remove the guava seeds because guava seeds indigestion, interfere with the digestive system.=



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