Admire the 6-nose body toned beyond the face of Run My husband

Dubbed the most imposing couple of Vietnamese showbiz, each appearance as well as 'stigmatizing' each other, Kelvin Khanh and Khoi My made many people laugh.

Recently, Kelvin Khanh suddenly shared the latest image of the couple. This time is not 'submerging' the bad moment of Khoi My but officially . 'submerging my goods'. Both have taken pictures to show off the 6-zone abdominal muscles but what makes many people admire the most is the dreamy belly of Khoi My.

Kelvin Khanh shared, 'After the monkey,' it's bigger than the 'male' monkey. ' In the photo, the two freely share their passionate body. Many compliments were given to the couple about working in the gym to get a standard body.

Actor Cat Phuong is humorous, 'But my zone is not as beautiful as My's zone.' It was this compliment that caused Kelvin Khanh to 'cry' to answer 'My said that I was older than you'.

Many compliments from friends and fans also gave the couple the determination to see who is more beautiful. But this time, Kelvin Khanh collected it again, but the loss was not the person but also his wife.
