Complications you need know before abdominal liposuction

Mechanism of abdominal liposuction

Abdominal liposuction surgery is a surgical procedure to remove the excessive fat in the abdomen.

Abdominal liposuction surgery is a surgical procedure to remove the excessive fat in the abdomen. The first step of this method of testing is to consider the health status.

Before surgery, the patient will be sedated, injected anesthetics and blood antifreeze.

There are many abdominal liposuction techniques. With traditional methods, the tool used is a catheter attached to the vacuum pump. They will be put into the body via the incision in the abdomen are Dr. mark available. The catheter when placed inside the body will constantly do loosen belly fat tissue. The liposuction vacuum pumps outside the vessels available.

When abdominal liposuction complications

The infection

According to Boldsky, but the infection is rare but is one of the problems can be life-threatening as liposuction surgery. After the surgery, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics for patients to avoid the infection occurs. You should see a doctor as soon as you see signs of infection such as redness, vomiting and Red streaks appear on the skin.

Allergy anesthesia

In mild cases, the patient will suffer from allergic skin rash, redness, itching, but if heavy will be anaphylaxis, patients suffering from Jet lag very fast blood pressure, cyanosis, difficulty breathing and can be fatal if not handled timely.

Cause asthma

After liposuction, skin will have stretch marks, lumps and poor elasticity. Sometimes, these changes occur constantly and long lasting. The damage can happen in under the skin as the slit or spot around the place.=
