Designs you with jeans?

(Phunutoday)-You Please stop running in jeans every season and believing himself to be fashionable. Also don't think that is easy to dress jeans. Want jeans that highlight the advantages as well as conceal defects of the body-shape new jeans is your help. So, you should choose the jeans to achieve the highest efficiency?

Not everyone fits with the Scorpions late-photo illustrated.

You are the narrow hips and butt is underthis formation characteristics of you referred to is bisexual. Means a suit you will almost like trousers for men. The perfect jeans for you is a square and my crotch, delay the Scorpions wide pipes. You can wear them with heels or sneakers. Select the following bags pants slightly lower a bit, it will create the feeling that buttocks you high and more rounded.

You have small feet

In this case you need to create the feeling for his long legs out. You need to take advantage of each centimeters with his jeans designs. Select a pair of jeans tube flaring. Your physique will come up more soft and your legs look longer as well. Fashion experts recommend choosing the shoes with high heels, they help you have better legs and height also improves.

Jeans bring you youthful and healthy-artwork

You have soft

If your buttocks round, small belly but bloom, you select a pair of jeans tube flaring, bungarus slightly higher to create balanced harmony of shape and avoid to the eo thon too high compared with the Scorpions. Be combined with shirt or a shirt, slightly wider body bottom to achieve the sexy . If not you can replace it with a cow such dress, knee-length. You will look incredibly seductive!

WaSP waist and bottom tightening you 3rd round charm

Such a pair of jeans for you. While this pants style slightly a bit old but it really makes you full of life. To highlight the shape of the bạnm select the trousers have wide belt, and wearing a tight shirt with matching high heels. The detail is particularly important is the pants. They have to be lucky, simple and no lid, no folds to look you don't get fat.

Will fortunately when there is a pair of long legs -artwork

You have long legs

You are very lucky, please select the straight pipe, bunch trousers, tight to the thigh and the Scorpions late. Although associated with high or low shoes look you always very chic

The color would fit jeans

Dark jeans with fashion style will work. You should associate with high heels, t-shirts or a thin vest aircraft. If you want to select a pair of jeans fit many circumstances, select a pair of jeans in blue but not too bright. You can combine it with the category after examination gowns and shoes each day. Snow Milan (According To Femme Actuelle)=
