Partying 'release the station' was not worried about the way to get the balance back

By the next day, do not be eager to find the scale to check your weight right away, but take the time to prepare breakfast with high-fiber staples.

Consuming a lot of fiber will help balance your body to remove toxins from the fats or sugars you have loaded at the party the previous day. At the same time, fiber also supports the digestive system and cleanses the body healthier.

Nutrition expert Maria Elena Rodriguez from Mount Sinai Medical Center also stressed: 'You should consume foods with low calories, eat lots of green vegetables or nuts to help blood sugar levels in your body. more stable '.

Some foods help get in shape


Almond nuts are one of the nuts that helps with weight loss. Almonds can prevent hunger, so need to add almonds - one of the fat-free foods - to your diet.

Green vegetables

Green vegetables like spinach and broccoli are rich in vitamins and low in calories. This fat-free food helps to lose weight fast and should eat twice a week.


Eggs have a higher protein content than any other food on this list. Therefore, to promote weight loss, you should add eggs to your menu.


Rich in energy, protein and vitamins. Bananas are foods that need to be in the diet to lose weight quickly.


It is said that this spice helps with weight loss. Peppers used for curries or eaten directly help burn calories.


Asparagus has many tastes and many people do not like to eat. However, this vegetable reduces cravings and dispels your hunger with minerals. That's why asparagus is one of the foods that helps with weight loss.

Cucumber (cucumber)

In cucumber contains sulfur and silicon, which are beneficial components for the kidneys, help the kidneys excrete uric acid and limit the production of fat cells in the body. In addition, cucumbers are thermally cool, contain plenty of water, so they are good for health.

Drink cucumber juice, eat raw or processed into different dishes from cucumber daily to reduce belly fat and help beautify the skin effectively.


Succulent tomatoes, rich in fiber and vitamin C, A, have very low calorie intake and especially help you reduce at least 2kg in a month.

To ensure good performance, you should eat 1 tomato before each meal, or 2 tomatoes before dinner. You should also drink tomato juice every day or prepare tomatoes in regular dishes.


Stars know how to control their weight by adding a daily serving of half a grapefruit or a glass of grapefruit juice since the 1930s. Grapefruit contains a lot of water, fiber, vitamin C, carbohydrates and helps reduces the amount of insulin in the body (isulin reduces fat burning).

Eating a grapefruit every day for breakfast and lunch will help you burn calories.
