Simple recipes to help you lose 5 kg in 2 weeks

Food supplements natural fermentation

The naturally fermented foods will help you lose weight effectively.

The sour salt vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage kimchi, Apple Cider vinegar, yogurt ... contains billions of bacteria are beneficial (Probiotic) good for digestion, anti-bloating and accumulation of belly fat, lose belly fat is the way for women that many sisters very much enjoy and perform every day.

In addition, the naturally fermented foods also help purify the body, strengthen the immune system and good for the skin.

Eat black beans soaking vinegar

Eat black beans soaking vinegar is reducing weight are many sisters choose.

This is a way to lose fat fast and efficient abdominal, back fit for the women after birth want to get in shape more compact. You only eat 2 weeks continuous with the beans in vinegar will see results. There the sisters were reduced 5 kg after eating black beans soaking vinegar effectively.

How to soak black beans vinegar to lose belly fat effectively. You must first black bean roasted with fire is small, when the black bean crust turned slightly separated, then take it out to cool. After chilling bean for into the glass jar and pour the vinegar on with a 1:1 ratio.

Then you remember, close the lid carefully to within 3 to 5 days, then will the bean expands to bubble, and are edible.

Dry sauna with spirits to force weight

Prepare a ridiculous cotton just right for on an old earth, then grab a little rice wine sprinkle soy source layer up cotton stars for wine seep into cotton undertook to moderate.

Then, take about 1 teaspoon of the alcoholic kind 70 degrees on cotton and sprinkle soy source fire directly on cotton so that the fire gently. Then for each cotton tent and fumigate and fumigate until each burnt cotton. How to dry sauna will help your exuding sweat a lot and also light body.=
