Thanks to this secret, Phi Thanh Van regained her perfect physique

Phi Thanh Van, which is known as the 'Cutlery Queen' of Vietnamese showbiz after a series of beauty shifts, improves beauty without stopping. From a girl who possesses dark skin and a rather round face, Phi Thanh Van of the present looks like a completely different person with white skin, V-line chin right standard hot trend.

Obviously always interested in improving beauty, but it seems that Phi Thanh Van forgot to keep in shape. And what everyone has seen in Phi Thanh Van in recent years has been a form of serious deterioration. There were many times the name of the beauty who was 'summoned' by her lover because of her bulky physique, especially the second round of generals. Most notably, although Phi Thanh Van has admitted to admitting that she likes the chubby, happy, bold lady style to suit her age, no one can deny that her current appearance of the beauty is really lost in the past.

Phi Thanh Van on that day possesses an extremely nuanced physique with three fiery rings.

Currently, the beauty is constantly being named by the people because the screen appears less beautiful with the stout physique and round 2 fat.

However, just recently, Phi Thanh Van has made people feel surprised when sharing a picture with a significantly improved physique. No more round physique and massive round 2, Phi Thanh Van in the new picture uploaded has quite slim body. This probably has made many people hope for a prosperous day of this beauty.

However, not yet excited for how long, people have rushed to see the truth behind the appearance of "incense" of Phi Thanh Van. Not 'cutlery', this time Phi Thanh Van has come up with a way to improve beauty quickly and especially 'divine', it is photoshop.

Looking at this picture, everyone must acknowledge that Phi Thanh Van is clearly skinny. The shape of a beautiful woman becomes slim, her face is small and full of life. But if you look carefully, people will notice clumsiness when photoshop of beautiful people. That also means that the Phi Thanh Van image that the people are seeing here is only the product after editing.

But after all, instead of adjusting the image to distort the whole wall behind, is Phi Thanh Van trying to implement a reasonable weight loss regime to improve the real physique? Because anyway, the weight loss not only brings beauty, slim and slender body, but also helps prevent many dangerous diseases that can happen to health.

But it must not be said that the beauty will understand this too. Because before that, Phi Thanh Van used to make many girls admire when owning an extremely strong body shape. It is known that, at that time, in order to preserve the slim and glamorous physique, Phi Thanh Van had to work hard every day for the body to firm, while combining a reasonable diet.

Specifically, beauties often eat low-fat foods such as brown rice, fish, shrimp, green vegetables, fruits, typically tomatoes and cucumbers to maintain an ideal weight. In particular, brown rice is known as a low-calorie, high-fiber food, thus providing a full and special feeling that does not accumulate excess fat. In addition, green vegetables and fruits not only provide a weight-loss effect, but they also provide ample amounts of vitamins and minerals, making the skin look younger and brighter.

Besides a healthy diet, beauties often try to spend some free time every day to go to the gym. Gym brings a lot of health benefits, including reducing excess fat, limiting obesity, helping physique become slimmer and firmer.

Phi Thanh Van used a very healthy diet to improve and maintain body shape. In particular, foods low in fat such as brown rice, fish, shrimp, fruits and vegetables are the main ingredients in a beautiful person's meal.

Besides the healthy diet, Phi Thanh Van also combines gym to promote the fat burning process in the body, forming a slim, firm and healthy physique.
