three films are viewed as prelude to 'love' perfect

(PN & PHU)-the common denominator of all three films are: the Spanish context, the woman warmly, the magic of love, sex and all the beautiful concept of love.

The first will arrive in time for the next date, hidden familiarity filled and countless family. That's when foreplay need perfectly to each bloody to fill gaps lack of experience.

10 years after the wedding, the "love" was poor. A few hundred times to make love as an opposing others. That's when a new spices need to be added to the extended sense.

"Love" the closest enemy, seems to have been too great. Whether to win or a guy for what the new temperature than in White Valentine season?

PN proposed that 3 & art films MUST contain full mental VIEW soak up rays for you a foreplay "love". The common denominator of all three films are: the Spanish context, the woman warmly, the magic of love, sex and all the beautiful notion about sex, love.

1. Sex & Lucia (2001) Cast: Paz Vega, Tristan Ulloa, Najwa NimriAwards: Golden Space Needle Award-2002 Seattle LHPA dreaming guys go find erotic adventures; a novelist looking for his literary material;  a strange face guys preferred her trouble; the people there with Sex is the main character in the film. They blend into the queer in the endless love summer's steamy Mediterranean and drawn to be a notion: "Sex is Risk. Sex is Romance. Sex is Obsession. Sex is Passion. Sex is Lust. SEX IS LOVE ".

Lucia-dreaming Guys searching for erotic adventures.

Director: Cristian Molia Starring: Belén Fabra, Geraldine ChaplinDiary of a nymphomaniac is a comic strip about the life of Valerie, a girl of 21 years of the French love of sex to the point of hysteria. She mesmerized run by the adventure, the love affair of two-three-four-five people full of sensuality and was herself make money and earn both love. The Bureau, after the long string of "love" doesn't love it, Valerie returned to the starting point again, starting a new chapter of his sexual journey with the companion of a sense of Salvation are forming in her soul.

Valerie-girl "madly in love" with her passionate sexuality.

Director: Eliseo Subiela Prize: Best Pictures-LHP Latin America 2008, best Latin American Movie-LHP Montreal World 2008.

Elvira-girl has brought salvation to the magic for the young guy Eloy are desperate.

Other than the Sex and Lucia and Diary of a nymphomaniac, the protagonist of Don't look down was a young boy named Eloy. After his father's death, the night would also have his feelings about Eloy visit you-Eloy began sleepwalking, hike on the roof and unfortunately fall down the bedroom of Elvira, a young girl from Barcelona. Elvira with all the subtlety and charm of themselves has taught Eloy know how "in love", what is Tantra and Kama Sutra postures magic. Sex in Don't look down as a salvation, as a door to open your mind, body and soul for the soul astray.=
