What to do when 'she' rejecting 'quyêt boy' to come along

Dyspareunia may be caused by many reasons, for example, have the muscle of the vagina, yeast infections, pelvic inflammatory (PID). Of this number, caused the contraction of the vagina is the most difficult to determine because it is the most complex and demanding people who have good understanding of the new easy to recognize.

Photo: Internet The contraction of the vagina can be devastating sexual life quality of women. The contraction of the vagina is not only making it more difficult for them in the enjoy the love, but also make them very difficult or almost lost the right to decide to start a family.
The contraction of the vagina it is an abnormal contractions of the muscles around the vaginal opening. When the pain appears then the vaginal opening (the girl) will close completely, make you under no way to penetrate the inside.
The cause of the contraction of the vagina is not due to a physical deformities or an eating disorder. The main cause is due to her sister's feelings and do some physical reactions. When the vaginal contraction most of the sisters were horrified and said that due to the size of their vagina is too small to be able to get the size of the penis during intercourse should be very painful. Many women also came to the Medical Center to seek to "increase the size of the vagina".
When women feel the mood of insecurity, there are unresolved concerns with partners also can cause or lead to the increase in the co. In this case the contraction of the vagina as a reflex to protect the body.
All these issues on shows the vaginal contraction derived from the emotional reasons, while some less severe vaginal contraction anymore due to physical factors (hymen too hard, or the vaginal opening deformed).
How to fix
Before this situation, women need to realize that, the support and guidance of the doctor of sexual psychology can help them understand what was causing the disease and will find the best treatment.
In addition people with the muscle of the vagina can practice some exercises in order to improve the quality of relations: consists of exercises makes scaling the vagina or kegel exercises, hypnosis, massage ... Or there are other ways to help themselves, such as:
-Relaxation: Is the most important thing you can do, can shower or use some other relaxation methods such as deep breathing, listening, watching tapes of entertainment...
-There are exercises for the muscles of the vagina (for example: breathe simultaneously co prefer anal and vagina).
-Please enjoy the feeling before the sex. Take time to focus on the pleasant feeling of the cuddly until you feel really excited before for "strange creatures" invade
-Using the vagina training tools. It is a soft material like "little boy", both in size and length. Take "training material" it into the door by pushing your hand slowly on and have used lubricating oil to support.