Hearing sin calls her son husband, the mother-in-law cooked a pot of boiling water and taught her the lesson

Ms. Van has been famous since her maiden is fastidious and ugly; But I don't know why I can get a good and kind husband and a rich family. Her husband spoiled her so much that she only gave birth to a son. Since then, neighbors neighbors whispering that, later anyone who is her daughter-in-law is suffering to know, because this monstrosity is hard to be spoiled.

Yet now, Van's daughter-in-law Ngoc is very well loved by her mother-in-law. When falling in love with Mrs. Van's son, many people advised Ngoc to give up right away and not always suffer a whole life, but thanks to her gentle, dutiful qualities, Van loved her very much.

Ms. Van's daughter-in-law is very psychological, everyone in the house has a little change that she immediately realized, the caring and filial attitude of Ngoc made Ms. Van also touched; gradually she became less fastidious and loved her daughter-in-law more. Up to now, Ngoc has been working as a bride for 6 years, the family affection is always close and happy.


It was not until the arrival of a new person that Ms. Van's home happened to the Ngoc event after 5 abortions during the past 6 years, making the whole family extremely worried. Being an only child, it was hard to avoid the constant pressure from having a child. Fortunately, Ngoc is interested and encouraged by Ms. Van, so she was never criticized or yelled at by her grandmother.

And after so many years of trying to run, Ngoc was pregnant again this time. Needless to say, in the first 3 months, the whole family was worried, until the doctor informed the fetus was stable and healthy to develop for everyone to breathe.

Ngoc is always nurtured by Mrs. Van, she doesn't have to do anything else. The whole family decided to hire a maid to look after Ngoc until Ngoc gave birth. Thanks to the introduction of neighbors, Mrs. Van's family found a 20-year-old girl who left school and had childcare experience in her hometown.

From the day Hau - the maid's name of Mrs. Van's housekeeper helped her, her family is much tidy and clean, especially Hau's cooking is very good and suitable for the taste of Ngoc's father-in-law and husband.

Ngoc saw that she was obedient and well behaved as if she was a girl in the house and treated her very well. Ngoc regularly buys new clothes and skincare for her. After only 3 months at Ngแปc's house, Hแบญu has changed significantly, saying no more but giving her make up and dressing up a bit, it is no different from hot girls.

Seeing her son sometimes glare at Hau, Van warned, even though it was her son, she never defended such matters, especially because Ngoc was weak, so right from the first months of pregnancy. Periods, the doctor has advised to abstain from absolute spouses. Looking at Thanh sometimes uncomfortable, she immediately guessed that the physiological needs were not cleared. But that is not possible so that betrayed his wife.

Mrs. Van paid close attention, but Hau and her son could still get together. When she found out, she gave Thanh some painful earplugs and demanded from her face, but she only threatened to scare her son. As for the strategy of treating the thirteenth zodiac, she must have long-term treatment, she must give her a profound lesson in life.

First, she wished to tell her son about to go on business for a few weeks, while Ngoc did not say anything but Hau was eager to ask back and forth. Then she told her that she and Ngoc would go to the spa all day for relaxation. Thanh's son enlisted at home to rearrange the work. Sometimes she just goes out all day, she must be very happy. Just think of her at home all the time, but when she went out to buy something else, they could still take advantage of the stamps together, and she was mad again.

The next day, it was planned that she and Ngoc would go to the spa together; But when taking a taxi for a while, Mrs. Van told her daughter-in-law to go first, she went back to the house to get more cool clothes. At home, when seeing Hau, he was very fluttered, his mother was coming back; Before long, she minced him and Hau. Because Mrs. Van forbade him to say half a word, Thanh could only hide from Hau's flirtatious gestures, she found it very instant, tried her best and attacked Thanh. Finally, thinking about the scene of two people who often make love in the bathroom, Hau smiled and let him go and went inside.

Mrs. Van witnessed from top to bottom, when Hay walked into the bathroom, she also quietly cooked the pot of boiling water quickly and then motioned Thanh to go to the spa with his wife. Hau was in the shower very clean, she even dared to steal Jade's perfume bottle and bring it to spray for aroma again, wait and see. Thanh still came in, so she called again;

- My husband, I'm about to take a shower, why aren't you in?

- My husband, let me wash your back!


- My husband, people wait forever. After the frustration, when the bathroom door opened, she turned around when she was startled and screamed when she saw Ms. Van standing outside the door, holding a pot of boiling water and smoke.

- Uncle, why did you come in here?

- I came in to teach you what the price is pay for robbing someone else's husband.

- Uncle, what are you saying, I don't understand.

- You still faked your mouth, did you flirt with Thanh, maybe I don't know, I will skin you today to see who you can flirt with?

- Uncle, I'm wrong, I beg you, I beg you. Hau knelt down and cried and promised never to relapse again, looking at Van's face was still cold and Hau was afraid to faint.

After that day, Hau silently wrapped up her homeland, which made Ngoc keep wondering, Thanh then looked down and said nothing; Only Mrs. Van is very active. She believed that it was absolutely right for her to do so. As long as she lived, she would never let anyone ruin this family happiness.
