10 reasons to you do not throw used tea bags

Used tea bags, tea (tea bag was over mixed drink first) there are still many other uses, can be reused.

Use the tea bag cools to stop bleeding and reduce skin damage due to the antioxidants in tea.

Foot-and-mouth syndrome treatment

When foot-and-mouth, just use a filter tea bags also warmed up over the sores, the sores will quickly dry out quickly and soothe the pain. Moreover, it is also fairly simple way can support the treatment of sores ulcers effectively and quickly.

Make the solution to wipe the glasses

You for tea filter bag into the spray bottle and use as conventional glass spray.

Heal sunburn skin

When take a bath, you put the used tea bag into the bath and soak for 30 minutes, the Sun will decrease go see.

Remove dark circles in the eye

Tannic acid has many in the tea reduces the eye thanks to good effect to blood vessels. Warm tea bags, up onto the deep for about 20 minutes, twice a day will quickly bring the efficiency.

Rule cứa by razor

Use the tea bag cools to stop bleeding and reduce skin damage due to the antioxidants in tea.

Acne treatment

Excessive use of used tea bags up up acne blemishes or obliterate a few essential oils tea having acne acne treatment way is also fast for the House, to cool the skin, reduces swelling.

Used as fertilizer

If the home grown vegetables or plants, take advantage of used tea bags to make into fertilizer. Just tear out the tea bags and pour excess tea into your compost bin and to take the fertilizer for the tree.

Used as a spice for food

This innovative. Besides the marinated meat with traditional herbs, spices, you can add some used tea bags to mix together. In addition the tea bags can create a strange taste for pasta dishes. Drop a tea bag into a pot with water and remove it after boiling.

Eliminate odors

The tea helps eliminate odor on your hands after a smelling food processing. Also, can put the tea in the refrigerator to eliminate and reduce the smell for the cabinets.

Eliminate mouth odor

Tea, especially Chamomile tea will help you breath cool scented natural. You can use the used tea bag to make mouthwash and use every day to bring the best results.=
