4 types of fish that are easily contaminated with impurities should not be eaten


The mackerel contains mercury, which cannot be excreted but deposited in the body and can cause disease. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of mackerel, according to calculations of experts a month should only eat 200g mackerel only.


It is recommended to limit tilapia consumption because this type of fish does not contain a lot of beneficial fatty acids instead concentrating many harmful fatty acids like lard. Therefore, eating too much tilapia can increase cholesterol, making your body more susceptible to allergies. For people with cardiovascular disease, arthritis and asthma, it's best not to eat too many of these fish.

Tilapia eat a lot of bacteria


Also contains a lot of mercury, especially bluefin tuna and blackfin tuna. For this fish, adults should only eat 100g / month, children are encouraged not to eat.


The eels themselves are very fat and it is also easy to absorb industrial and farm waste from water sources, so it is not considered a safe fish for health. The eel imported from the US is thought to contain the most toxic substances. European eels also get a lot of mercury. Adults can eat 300g eels per month, children are 200g / month.
