5 delicious dishes prepared with spinach basella weak physiological value

Spinach basella sauteed garlic


This is the dish is more popular.

-Spinach basella


-Grease or cooking oil.

How to do:

-Choose the type of basella many Vegetables, at least leaves, leaves as small as possible. Basella, wash vegetables clean picked up under tap water, drained.

-Peeled Garlic, pounded slamming

-For the Pan onto the stove, to the fire, pour the oil into the frying pan heat the elderly. For the non-aromatic vegetables, remove the garlic in June in. on flavor, just the mouth. Fried vegetables cooked to then turn off the stove, poured out the disk, hot food will more delicious.

Beef sauteed spinach basella

Beef stir-fry basella using with hot rice is very tasty.


Beef tomato sauce: 1-the lon 180g.

-Spinach basella clean: 1 tangle

Garlic: 1 cu

Dry onions: 1 cu

How to do:

-Garlic, shallot peeled, slamming beats.

-For the little kid's cooking oil into the Pan, the aromatic onion and garlic.

-Then for the cans of tomato sauce on beef Island to hunt again for a while.

-For the next vegetable stir-fry basella to nine.

-No need to add seasonings wedge because the beef was pretty bold.

Basella soup cooked shrimp

Photo description.


-1 bunch of basella, separate the leaves and the miscellaneous non

-300 g fresh prawns

-1 sprig of green onions

-Cooking oil


How to do:

-Peeled Shrimp, to retire.

-Chopped onions and wash the vegetables.

-Sauteed shrimp, aromatic for astronauts.

-Pour water into the pot to boil on the fire, rescuing foam topping.

-Salt sauce Seasoning taste.

-For vegetables in the pot, the mild island and North down.

-Bring a bowl and enjoy!.

Basella soup Cook clams

Photo description.



-700g ngao

-1 bunch spinach basella

-Ginger, salt.

How to do:

Step 1:

Ngao wash over many ti5 delicious dishes prepared with spinach basella weak physiological values for clean, soak clams in Europe countries, so5 delicious dishes prepared with spinach basella weak physiological valueti5 delicious dishes prepared with spinach basella weak physiological values leave the water to flush out the sand clams.

Step 2:

Spinach basella washed, drained, if leaves basella to then you cut.

Step 3:

-To clean the pot did clam, add finely chopped ginger, put the pot over the stove to boil when the mouth forever clam off the kitchen.

-To cool the clean separation of your hand, remove the clam 5 delicious dishes prepared with spinach basella weak physiological valueat out clam Bowl, filter water clean back part sand and then pour the water back into the clam pot.

Step 4:

Place the pot over the stove, then boil for vegetables basella, season with salt to taste, because the very sweet clam water so you don't need much seasoning spice.

Step 5:

For the 5 delicious dishes prepared with spinach basella weak physiological valueat in the pot to boiling broth, clam, you turn off the stove, bring it out broth in large bowl used as soup eaten with rice.

Basella oval cooking vegetable soup pork

This dish is the active healing essential, essential production too quickly and after intercourse always been tired exhausted, pale.

Spinach basella 1 amaranth, holding 1 holding cooked with a pair of oval to raw fat layers and sheath (not peeled) for seasoning. Serve hot. Ate the hot ginger tea drink will increase. Before bed eat 1 spoonful of Sesa5 delicious dishes prepared with spinach basella weak physiological value black (fried pineapple) chewing mashed thoroughly and then swallow. Rice water 1 cup wine drinking is done, the more the higher results.

Uses: glass, glass manufacturing operation cure too quickly and after intercourse always been tired exhausted, pale.

I wish you success!=
