5 mistakes in RAW COOKING that are harmful to your health, quit immediately if you don't regret your whole life

Leave the meat in the freezer for too long

According to the US Department of Agriculture's health experts, it is advisable not to keep poultry meats, and especially seafood that still lives in the freezer for more than 2 days. Processed meat should not be left for more than 5 days.

The reason explained is that the meat preserved in the freezer for too long will cause bacteria to grow, the meat loses its nutrients and the flavor of the meat.

Meat slices are expected to remove chemicals

Dr Thuy Ha (Institute of Clinical Nutrition) explained: 'When you do not wash clean meat and put it in your scalp, you will make a piece of modified meat, shrinking, making the meat more chemicals and dirt. Therefore, the meat becomes more and more toxic '.

Therefore, the most appropriate way to boil meat is to wash the meat several times with clean water or diluted brine. Because soluble salts have the effect of removing dirt from the meat, furthermore makes the meat more delicious when cooked.

Do not leave meat in the freezer for too long

Add cold water when cooking

Add cold water, add salt too early to the boiled meat pot, or stew pot . according to experts is not good. Because meat is boiled at high temperatures, adding cold water will make proteins and fats in the meat, bones are immediately precipitated, making the meat shrink and hard, not only losing the nutrients but also the flavor of the image enjoy.

Boil cooked meat too well

According to health experts, meat stored in a temperature of 200-300 degrees C for a long time will cause amino acids, creatinine, sugar and harmless compounds in meat to occur chemical reactions, forming acids amino aromatic.

Housewives should only cook the meat just soft enough, when the first layer of foam is produced by the meat, it should be removed, this can minimize the harmful effects caused by amino aromatic acids.

Do not blanch the meat before cooking

Poke chopsticks, turn over meat several times when cooking

The way to test cooked meat by tips to stick chopsticks into meat has long been passed on by mothers. However, do not be impatient to poke chopsticks or flip meat many times while boiling and frying because all the sweeteners and flavors in the meat will be melted, making the substance and taste of meat no longer taste good.
