5 mistakes when processing meat into poison, especially the second thing many houses have

Keep the temperature too small

Often we are afraid that meat will burn or burn out of life and adjust the level of fire too small. But this is not true and you should turn the fire to the medium so that the meat can be cooked evenly, beautifully and retain the nutrients in the meat.

Grilled meat to eat

Protein in lean meat when baked in gold, even burning, will cause a dramatic increase in cancer heterocyclic aromatic amines, which will turn into similar carcinogens.

Eat a lot of grilled meat causing cancer

Defrost the wrong way

In fact, many people put meat out of room temperature before cooking without knowing they are harming themselves, because room temperature is an ideal environment for bacteria to grow.

Fried sausage, smoked meat

Many people often fry sausages to eat with sticky rice. The sausage is made from fresh pork, so to maintain it for a long time, one has to give a certain percentage of anti-rot agents during the production of sodium nitrate.

Smoked spring rolls, smoked meat also have a certain amount of ammonium nitrate. If you use oil to fry these foods, it will produce carcinogens.

No fried sausages

Put too much meat at the same time

Because to save time avoid waiting too long, many women put a lot of meat in the pan at the same time, even the meat. This is really a mistake many people make.

When defrosting with a cold water tank, put the whole bag / box of meat in a cool pot of water. Change water once every 30 minutes. Defrosting in this way is faster than in a refrigerator.
