6 mistakes 'CIRCUIT' in processing green vegetables 10 people have 9 problems, causing vegetables to lose quality also cause disease

Cut vegetables before washing

This is an extremely wrong habit that many housewives have. The explanation for this case is that vitamins exist in vegetables in the form of water so they are easily dissolved in water when washing. Cutting vegetables and washing vegetables without cooking immediately also makes the amount of vitamins in vegetables lost quite large. through the evaporation process.

Fried time is too long

The vitamins in vegetables are very "sensitive", if cooked under a small flame for a long time, it is easy to decompose. Therefore, the dietitian advises that the cooking time should not be prolonged, preferably with a large flame and not too much water to minimize vitamin loss.

Do not cook and cook vegetables again and again

Cook again and again

Green vegetables after cooking will lose most of the nutrients. If cooked again and again, nutrients will completely disappear and even form toxic substances for the body. This is similar to the processing of small fire vegetables that also cause loss of nutrients and easily cause metamorphosis of vegetables.

After cooking, do not eat immediately

After cooking, vegetables will lose about 15% of vitamins and nutrients. This amount of nutrients will gradually disappear over time by 25% after 30 minutes and 75% after 1 hour. When cooking is finished, vegetables easily fall into the attack cycle of bacteria, pathogens that cause metamorphosis and affect health.

Do not cut vegetables before washing

Vegetables have been cooked overnight

Because nitrate content in green vegetables is quite high, if it is cooked too long, the bacteria decompose, the nitrate will again form nitrite - a carcinogen, even if you boil it again, it cannot be removed. So do not eat vegetables that are left overnight.

Store vegetables too long before boiling

Because it is not convenient to go to the market, many people have to buy a lot of vegetables to keep the refrigerator cool to eat all week, even longer. However, this makes vegetables lose many nutrients during storage.
