7 things like gold when eating sticky rice to not 'lose money to carry', wise housewives take it

Do not eat sticky rice more than 2 times / week

Eating sticky rice helps to keep it full and the spirit is more lucid. Sticky rice is cooked from sticky rice, plus beans, tender coconut, sesame, so it contains lots of calories. At the same time, sticky rice is also considered "clean food" because there are no chemicals such as vermicelli, vermicelli, pho.

Pregnant people do not eat sticky rice

According to Traditional Medicine, glutinous rice tastes sweet, warming up to three lines of taste, taste and scrap. Glutinous rice in general and sticky rice dishes are often used to treat tuberculosis, diarrhea and brain circulation in pregnant women .

Pregnant people should not eat much sticky rice

People with stomach illness should not eat

People with stomach pain need to avoid sticky rice, especially sticky green bean. Because both green beans and sticky rice in the oriental medicine are benign, but suffering from stomach pain will increase the risk of heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux - esophagus, abdominal distention . Spices of onion, garlic, pepper . served with sticky rice will make stomach disease worse.

Eat a lot of sticky rice, causing heat

People who suffer from abdominal discomfort, or acne, do not eat away from the morning, because the body is already hot, eating more and more acne and heat in the body.

People with wounds should not eat sticky rice

He had a long-term wound

Women undergoing caesarean section and incision when giving birth should absolutely avoid eating sticky rice, because sticky rice is hot, flexible, easy to cause swelling and festering for the incision. In Amylopectin sticky rice, it is very difficult to digest. So do not eat sticky rice too much.

Eating more easily causes itching

People with rash, urticaria should not eat sticky rice in the morning because they may have a food allergy.

Nutrient-rich cork is not for people who want to lose weight

The sauce is not for people who lose weight

It contains more calories than you think. Cooked with sticky rice, plus beans, grated coconut, sesame . give you up to 600 calories / sticky rice. For those who want to reduce fat, you should not choose this dish on the breakfast menu because of sticky rice also made out of rice, and also many starch-like rice.
