Accidentally making tofu crushed, his daughter-in-law quick thinking of a strange dish, unexpectedly praised by her mother-in-law

Recipe 1: Fried eggs with tofu wood ear


- 5 old eggs

- 1 bar of tofu

- 2 ear fungus

- Spices: red onion, salt


- Beat the egg into a bowl + 1 teaspoon of salt, beat cotton

- Crushed tofu.

- Wood ear after soaking in hot water, blooming, rinsing with clean water and then chopping with dry onions.

- Mix well egg + tofu + wood ear.

- North pan, pour oil, turn down the heat when boiling, scoop each spoon of mixture into frying. Turn over, until 2 golden brittle sides are satisfactory.

Recipe number 2: Fried tofu with minced pork


- 300 grams of ground pork

- 2 pieces of crushed tofu

- Scallions, dried onions, diced carrots.

- 3 eggs

- Spices: ½ teaspoon soy sauce, ¼ teaspoon pepper, 3 tablespoons of flour.

How to make fried tofu meat rolls:

- Mix meat, tofu, green onions, dried onions, carrots, salt, soy sauce, pepper, and an egg into a bowl, blend together and blend well.

- Shape the mixture into balls, level it into a wheel, roll it with flour.

- Beat 2 remaining eggs + mosquitoes.

- Heat the pan, then simmer. Dip the meatballs into the egg and drop into the golden frying pan on both sides.

Wishing you success!
